Race: Blood Elf
Class: Priest (shadow)
Reason: (S)he was using what can only be described as a third party exploitation system which enabled him/her to attack members of his/her allied faciton. He wouldn't stop attacking me and in fact killed me twice.
As you can see in the first screenshot, I was dueling the Blood Elf Paladin (Felivan) when suddenly this shadow priests debuffs appear on me, so I /forgeit as can be seen by "blah blah blah defeated" message.

I then logged on Tegan and asked him whether or not he knew it was a bannable offense, to which he responded:

So not only is this a case of blatant hacking and/or exploitation - but GM impersonation as well. Anyways, hopefully they get what they deserve, because quite frankly we don't need idiots like this populating the server and using up useful resources.
Thanks for your time in reading this post.