Donation on wrong character

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Donation on wrong character

Post by Darkmark »

Hi GMs, some weeks ago (when Henhouse was not there) I donated and received the donation code. But then I wasn't using my brain and actived the code on the wrong character.. yes I know, this is my mistake. But can't you please somehow give me a new code and delete the character? I actually donated to get some items on the character "Smile", but because of my stupidity they are on "Twisted" now :/ It's the second time donating.

I would be really thankful if you could help me. Thank you in advance.
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Re: Donation on wrong character

Post by Henhouse »

Unfortunately since you already geared the character, you've therefore used this donation and we are unable to grant you a restore. This is now classified as a donorship transfer.

We can only help you if you immediately logout and inform us of this so we can delete the character and grant you a new one. What you're asking us to do now is to give you a free transfer, which we cannot do.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Posts: 8

Re: Donation on wrong character

Post by Darkmark »

Yeah, I've already geared the character because I was like "damn, I won't get it transfered anyway". Then I tried to play with that character and gave it up because I can't play hunter at all.

That means I wasted 5 bucks, cool :<
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