Q about gear

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Posts: 12

Q about gear

Post by Mayhem8 »

Hi, I donated on my mage and am trying to acquire best-in-slot PvP gear. But I am missing 2 pieces - cloak and ring. I remember reading that the vendor didn't have all pieces so people wouldn't get bored, but this is not the case, because I solely PvP and strongly dislike PvE. Now, I was wondering if it were possible to make an exception and add me the items, if necessary, for an additional few $?


EDIT: If all else fails, can you tell me where this and this drop, as I cannot seem to get a straight answer from anyone in-game.
Posts: 149

Re: Q about gear

Post by Raven »

Mayhem8 wrote: EDIT: If all else fails, can you tell me where this and this drop, as I cannot seem to get a straight answer from anyone in-game.
You found the links, but was unable to read the"Dropped by:" part?
Posts: 12

Re: Q about gear

Post by Mayhem8 »

The BC realm's bosses do not have the same loot that they do on retail. Thanks for your productive post either way.
Posts: 149

Re: Q about gear

Post by Raven »

Mayhem8 wrote:The BC realm's bosses do not have the same loot that they do on retail. Thanks for your productive post either way.
Thanks for not saying so in the first post.
Posts: 2058

Re: Q about gear

Post by Imperium »

lold hard damn Raven he seriously outplayed you.

As for the drops, I'm not sure where the ring drops but I'm pretttttty sure the cloak drops in ZA somewhere, I think.
Posts: 149

Re: Q about gear

Post by Raven »

Imperium wrote:lold hard damn Raven he seriously outplayed you.

As for the drops, I'm not sure where the ring drops but I'm pretttttty sure the cloak drops in ZA somewhere, I think.
WhyU mad xD
Posts: 12

Re: Q about gear

Post by Mayhem8 »

Thank you for your input Imperium.

I would still like a reply from someone of higher power. *cough* yo Henry *cough*
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