I could not find the bug report section on the new forum so please move this thread to the intended place.
What is the bug?
Martyrdoom does not work on Deadly Throw interrupt and Unbreakable Will talent does not work on Garrote silence effect.
What kind of bug is it? (Quest, Class, Spell, PvE)
Spell/Ability - I am not sure if it is Martyrdoom/Unbreakable Will or Deadly Throw/Garrote that are bugged here.
How can you reproduce it?
Create a priest, spec into Unbreakable Will and Martyrdoom. Create a rogue. Let the rogue crit you, start a cast on the priest, run off with rogue and use Deadly Throw (Make sure the PvP gloves are on).
For garrote: Just use Garrote and make sure the priest got Unbreakable Will talent specced.
Please describe, in detail, what is suppose to occur when this bug happens:
Said talents and effects do not help vs Deadly Throw/Garrote.
Please describe, in detail, what happens when it bugs up, and how it's malfunctioning:
No interrupt protection is given towards Deadly Throw and the silence resistance does not work on Garrote.
(I suspect the issue might lie in Garrote/Deadly Throw as Martyrdoom and Unbreakable Will works as intended vs other effects of the same kind (Pummel, counterspell, priest silence, kick etc).
Evidence providing proof of bug:
I recall that you mentioned that it worked before Itslovelol. However I did more than 500 attempts on my priest and not a single time was a resist granted. The interrupts and silence effects always landed their mark.
Either my char is bugged or the issue is still up.
Priest/Rogue bugs
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