Vanity/Transmog items update - your suggestions.

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Vanity/Transmog items update - your suggestions.

Post by Grael »

Vanity/Transmog items update!


We are aware that players need something to spend their honor points on and we are planning to rework our donor mall miscellaneous items vendor.

Items which may be included in the update (it is possible that not all of them will be added):


Clockwork Rocket Bot 40k honor
Elekk Training Collar 40k honor
Sleepy Willy 40k honor
Egbert's Egg 40k honor

Transmogs (Cloth):

Festive Pink Dress 40k honor
Festive Green Dress 40k honor
Festive Purple Dress 40k honor
Sandals of Summer 40k honor
Mantle of the Fire Festival 40k honor
Vestments of Summer 40k honor
Crown of the Fire Festial 40k honor
Purple Brewfest Hat 40k honor
Brewfest Dress 40k honor
Brewfest Slippers 40k honor

Transmogs (Leather):

Festive Teal Pant Suit 40k honor
Festive Blue Pant Suit 40k honor
Festive Black Pant Suit 40k honor
Green Brewfest Hat 40k honor
Brewfest Regalia 40k honor
Brewfest Boots 40k honor

Transmogs (Mail)

Blue Brewfest Hat 40k honor
Belbi's Eyesight Enhancing Romance Goggles 40k honor

Transmogs (Plate)

Brown Brewfest Hat 40k honor


Foror's Crate of Endless Resist Gear Storage (without cost)
Brazier of Dancing Flames 40k honor
Dark Iron Tankard 40k honor
Balebrew Charm 40k honor
Brightbrew Charm 40k honor
Hook of the Master Angler 40k honor
Orb of Deception 40k honor
Smokey's Lighter 40k honor
Ramstein's Lightning Bolts 40k honor
Cannonball Runner 40k honor
Skybreaker Whip 40k honor
X-52 Rocket Helmet 40k honor

1-use items:

Noggenfogger Elixir (no price set yet)
Savory Deviate Delight (no price set yet)
Shadowy Potion (no price set yet)
Alchemy flasks 2,8k honor for 1x
Path of Illidan 2,8k honor for 1x
Gordok Ogre Suit 8,5k honor for 1 charge
Festival Firecracker (no price set yet)
Orb of the Blackwhelp 8,5k honor for 3 charges
Hallow's End Pumpkin Treat 2,8k honor for 5x
Elixir of Giant Growth 2,8k honor for 1x
Winterfall Firewater 2,8k honor for 1x
Dragonbreath Chilli 2,8k honor for 1x

Example screenshot:


Moreover, there will be 4 new transmog sets added to that vendor, 1 for each armor type. Some screenshots:





Mail - no swords included




All items mentioned here (including Brewfest and Summer Festival sets) will be at least Uncommon (green) quality to let players use them for transmog purposes.

Weapons Transmog Vendor


New transmog vendor will be added to make weapon donations easier. You will be able to donate just for 1 token and use it to buy a weapon of your choice.

What is yet to be decided:

-We still have to set some prices.

-Should donor weapon tokens (reworked glowcaps) bind on picking up?

-We have to determine which items will be included in the final versions of those NPCs.

Do you have any suggestions? Please, help us decide! We would really appreciate some new ideas regarding vanity items which could be added to Narkk vendor.
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Re: Vanity/Transmog items update - your suggestions.

Post by Mayore »

what is that transmog weapon vendor? does it tie with the legendary vendor released few weeks ago?

i can't think of any reason to make the tokens bop..

i'd want to see the models before setting a price on it
Last edited by Mayore on 01 Oct 2014, 22:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vanity/Transmog items update - your suggestions.

Post by SheLexa »

I really hope that 2.8k honor is for one stack of flasks not a single flask
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Re: Vanity/Transmog items update - your suggestions.

Post by Grael »

Mayore wrote:what is that transmog weapon vendor? does it tie with the legendary vendor released few weeks ago?
It is basically transmog donation section, just more extended and easier to use. If you want to prevent collision of legendary vendor/donor transmog vendor then we would have to remake legendaries and leave only those weapons with custom display model. As long as custom donation feature exists there is no way to avoid that.
SheLexa wrote:I really hope that 2.8k honor is for one stack of flasks not a single flask
2,8k honor for 1 flask. It is supposed to give you something to spend honor on, not to fully replace alchemy. I believe that the price is just fine taking into account that 1 flask has 2 hours duration. You can get much more than 2,8k honor in just 2 hours.
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Re: Vanity/Transmog items update - your suggestions.

Post by Mayore »

i know that some models are available in the current transmog vendor and you can donate for the weapon model. it sucks indeed but it is what it is..

i just hope that you are not going to offer all of them for donations.

i see only honor as price. what about badges? i know that you can turn them into honor but that conversion is just meh :P
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Re: Vanity/Transmog items update - your suggestions.

Post by Wacco »

Alchemy flasks 2,8k honor for 1x
- Work for it instead.

Path of Illidan 2,8k honor for 1x
Is available at Xmas event.

Gordok Ogre Suit 8,5k honor for 1 charge
Is available at Xmas event.

Hallow's End Pumpkin Treat 2,8k honor for 5x
Is available at Halloween event.

Elixir of Giant Growth 2,8k honor for 1x
Incoming Ogre Suit, Trinket, Waterfall and Flask.
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Re: Vanity/Transmog items update - your suggestions.

Post by Mayore »

Wacco wrote:Alchemy flasks 2,8k honor for 1x
- Work for it instead.

Path of Illidan 2,8k honor for 1x
Is available at Xmas event.

Gordok Ogre Suit 8,5k honor for 1 charge
Is available at Xmas event.

Hallow's End Pumpkin Treat 2,8k honor for 5x
Is available at Halloween event.

Elixir of Giant Growth 2,8k honor for 1x
Incoming Ogre Suit, Trinket, Waterfall and Flask.

so? not everybody is into creating dozens of character just to farm those during christmas to have enough for the rest of the year
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Re: Vanity/Transmog items update - your suggestions.

Post by Wacco »

I just don't see the point of it, that's all. Also I heard that Ramstein's Lightning Bolts was bugged long time ago, maybe its fixed by now.
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Re: Vanity/Transmog items update - your suggestions.

Post by Mayore »

Wacco wrote:I just don't see the point of it, that's all. Also I heard that Ramstein's Lightning Bolts was bugged long time ago, maybe its fixed by now.

you don't see the point of adding items that add variety to the game? okay
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Re: Vanity/Transmog items update - your suggestions.

Post by Apuclevercow »

Isn't it an error to add that much of vanity items ?
Where will be the NPCs ?

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