Open up Sunwell Plateau again.
Open up Sunwell Plateau again.
I'm bored today so what about opening Sunwell Plateau again with BT loot or whatever in the near future? I know that some things are broken but maybe it shouldn't be that hard to fix or make other ways around it (without a coder). My suggestion on the two major bugs in sanwelhelerx:
As we know Kalecgos wasn't killable because he had to die in both phases. He's somewhat good scripted to an extent but he won't die of willingness, so can't you make him killable in just one phase? tentatively the corrupted one.
Everyone abused Twins with pull-die-revive and I think that could be fixed with some range adjusting or some targeting fix at the "ramp".
After that I don't really faced or know anymore bugs that could harm the progress but i'm sure someone else knows more because I only did to Brutallus kill here and there is some PvE players still on forums. I also heard that some guys got to M'uru here.. and you have your answer about Legendary Transmog introduction for PvE content right here! Take the change and at least try.
Discuss and please correct me.
As we know Kalecgos wasn't killable because he had to die in both phases. He's somewhat good scripted to an extent but he won't die of willingness, so can't you make him killable in just one phase? tentatively the corrupted one.
Everyone abused Twins with pull-die-revive and I think that could be fixed with some range adjusting or some targeting fix at the "ramp".
After that I don't really faced or know anymore bugs that could harm the progress but i'm sure someone else knows more because I only did to Brutallus kill here and there is some PvE players still on forums. I also heard that some guys got to M'uru here.. and you have your answer about Legendary Transmog introduction for PvE content right here! Take the change and at least try.
Discuss and please correct me.
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- Parakatiani
- Posts: 43
- Location: Somewhere
Re: Open up Sunwell Plateau again.
I find it as a great idea to open again sunwell plateau but i guess that will need some work with the scripts there and finally to remove "Scarlet Citadel" as i remember Henhouse wanted to keep the server "original" as before something that never "exist".
Its a nice idea and will drag people to do it because is something fresh and people would like to try it
but the point is that people at sf cannot even kill the trash mobs at sunwell plateau because they dont have the knowledge about tactics and i guess gonna take a while for them to learn them and gonna take lot of wipes to the only way for the people to manage clear it gonna be only with a guild raids/brain/program for communication/AVOID THE FIRE the only tactic that wow ever had.
Anyways I find it as a great idea and im up for it!
Its a nice idea and will drag people to do it because is something fresh and people would like to try it
but the point is that people at sf cannot even kill the trash mobs at sunwell plateau because they dont have the knowledge about tactics and i guess gonna take a while for them to learn them and gonna take lot of wipes to the only way for the people to manage clear it gonna be only with a guild raids/brain/program for communication/AVOID THE FIRE the only tactic that wow ever had.
Anyways I find it as a great idea and im up for it!
Re: Open up Sunwell Plateau again.
I like the idea, maybe some SWP boss could drop those legendary weapons? I was in the team who made it to M'uru. I don't really remember much of it, but I know that we killed twins probably by bugging them and killing one at a time. I don't remember how did we get through Brutallus/Felmyst but we probably alt f4'd through the walls of flame :(
Re: Open up Sunwell Plateau again.
As much as I would like to see SWP open again, I think that with the current state of pve scripts it would take an awful long time till we'd be able to see this live. Sunwell Plateau was closed because the scripts were a total mess, I don't believe that there was even one boss working properly, or even close to it.
Black Temple on the other hand is much more functional and it isn't even that hard to get a running script for it, especially since there are a couple of servers which have it working fair enough that have opened their codes. However, since we currently lack any developer in this department and Henry hasn't shown interest in developing the pve side of the server, which is a shame tbh since there were a decent amount of pve player and Tsunami tried really hard to get his attention, I doubt we'll be seeing any news on this topic, although I really hope that we would.
Black Temple on the other hand is much more functional and it isn't even that hard to get a running script for it, especially since there are a couple of servers which have it working fair enough that have opened their codes. However, since we currently lack any developer in this department and Henry hasn't shown interest in developing the pve side of the server, which is a shame tbh since there were a decent amount of pve player and Tsunami tried really hard to get his attention, I doubt we'll be seeing any news on this topic, although I really hope that we would.
Manabreak, Manamune, Manaqt
Re: Open up Sunwell Plateau again.
I don't think that Henhouse will open up Sunwell anytime soon, but I'm trying to suggest that Sunwell isn't that broken as you might think, and it might not take so much effort to get it fixed.
Black Temple which is more suitable should perhaps get the attention instead, but it's damn hard to get any answers here, sadly.
Black Temple which is more suitable should perhaps get the attention instead, but it's damn hard to get any answers here, sadly.
There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
Re: Open up Sunwell Plateau again.
Oh, really? You should have said something! We had no idea! There's a reason for that, and it would be quite all right if it went the other way when TBC raiding is pretty entertaining in certain forms. This topic shouldn't be all about Sunwell precisely, even if the thread and topic will be dead like the server.Hartun wrote:I think that pve is long gone
Then the question of how the activity would look like and how it goes is another matter, but it's proven that there is an interest here, and maybe it's time to do something about it? But of course, this is a fun server and not a PvE server that is on its way somewhere. This should had been looking at along time ago but nothing happens at all.. I remember when I was playing with EC and I admired how some of them really tried to get shit going. I guess it was all the same with some other PvE guilds here. But now everything seems plain dead and that Legendary Transmog got implemented to hasty and desperate for population and activity purpose and not even overlooked that it should be implemented for just PvE (maybe not even battleground as the idea is still up for discussion?) It has all been fun to follow, ohh.
There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
- Horrorfever
- Posts: 260
- Location: Bulgaria
Re: Open up Sunwell Plateau again.
Record a full wipe on BT and SWP shall open.
Jk nobody can wipe BT here, nubz.
Jk nobody can wipe BT here, nubz.
- Undead Rogue - Expendable
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Re: Open up Sunwell Plateau again.
We came pretty close.Just4y wrote: Jk nobody can wipe BT here, nubz.
- Horrorfever
- Posts: 260
- Location: Bulgaria
Re: Open up Sunwell Plateau again.
Stop stacking haste Hartun, SWP got wiped coz of you and QQing fgts :[[Hartun wrote:We came pretty close.Just4y wrote: Jk nobody can wipe BT here, nubz.
- Undead Rogue - Expendable
Undead Warlock - Horrorfever
Undead Priest - Detective
Tauren Druid - Quasimoodru
Human Paladin - Unstobubble - <Old but Gold>
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