Feedback on the 1v1 event.
Posted: 29 Jun 2014, 22:33
Before i start i just want to say that there is no hate involved, no personal prejudice nor hate. Good to see that there's actually something happening. I'm only trying to give some constructive criticism.
For those of you who don't know what's this is about: there was an event tonight: 1v1, arena rules pretty much (no potions, no long coldown abbilites) and what's intresting - no LOS.
First of all i think the spot choice was horrible- blade's edge arena or actually the bridge only. I understand that you don't want to give people to los because of the few classes that would make more profits of it than the other, BUT there are better places to do that kind of event- for example guru or dire maul area or even nagrand area.. The bridge on the arena is simply to narrow.
Secondly, i mentioned no-los rule but you guys missed Pipeofpeace (i wasn't watching all fights so it could be more people) using los to heal himself- that should get him disqualified.
I think that it would be better if the class or specs would be unique- in that event there was like 2 warriors, 3 fearls, 3 rogues and 2 mages. I know that it's hard to find unique classes but it's just an idea.
And finally, (keep in mind what i said at start- no personal prejudice) due to lack of people participating in the event (i hope so lol) Dntryme did not have to fight in the first round of the event, he was just moved to second round- where some /accident/ happend. He was against Gentlecow and when the rogue was bassicly dead some mage (jk wambo) came to the arena and pompyro'd the druid-killing him. I'm pretty sure Dntryme died before the POM yet they redueled and Dntryme won.. Pretty unfair IMO.
That's it i guess, hope you guys read it and answer or just use the advices in the future events!
For those of you who don't know what's this is about: there was an event tonight: 1v1, arena rules pretty much (no potions, no long coldown abbilites) and what's intresting - no LOS.
First of all i think the spot choice was horrible- blade's edge arena or actually the bridge only. I understand that you don't want to give people to los because of the few classes that would make more profits of it than the other, BUT there are better places to do that kind of event- for example guru or dire maul area or even nagrand area.. The bridge on the arena is simply to narrow.
Secondly, i mentioned no-los rule but you guys missed Pipeofpeace (i wasn't watching all fights so it could be more people) using los to heal himself- that should get him disqualified.
I think that it would be better if the class or specs would be unique- in that event there was like 2 warriors, 3 fearls, 3 rogues and 2 mages. I know that it's hard to find unique classes but it's just an idea.
And finally, (keep in mind what i said at start- no personal prejudice) due to lack of people participating in the event (i hope so lol) Dntryme did not have to fight in the first round of the event, he was just moved to second round- where some /accident/ happend. He was against Gentlecow and when the rogue was bassicly dead some mage (jk wambo) came to the arena and pompyro'd the druid-killing him. I'm pretty sure Dntryme died before the POM yet they redueled and Dntryme won.. Pretty unfair IMO.
That's it i guess, hope you guys read it and answer or just use the advices in the future events!