Feedback on the 1v1 event.

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Feedback on the 1v1 event.

Post by Mayore »

Before i start i just want to say that there is no hate involved, no personal prejudice nor hate. Good to see that there's actually something happening. I'm only trying to give some constructive criticism.

For those of you who don't know what's this is about: there was an event tonight: 1v1, arena rules pretty much (no potions, no long coldown abbilites) and what's intresting - no LOS.

First of all i think the spot choice was horrible- blade's edge arena or actually the bridge only. I understand that you don't want to give people to los because of the few classes that would make more profits of it than the other, BUT there are better places to do that kind of event- for example guru or dire maul area or even nagrand area.. The bridge on the arena is simply to narrow.

Secondly, i mentioned no-los rule but you guys missed Pipeofpeace (i wasn't watching all fights so it could be more people) using los to heal himself- that should get him disqualified.

I think that it would be better if the class or specs would be unique- in that event there was like 2 warriors, 3 fearls, 3 rogues and 2 mages. I know that it's hard to find unique classes but it's just an idea.

And finally, (keep in mind what i said at start- no personal prejudice) due to lack of people participating in the event (i hope so lol) Dntryme did not have to fight in the first round of the event, he was just moved to second round- where some /accident/ happend. He was against Gentlecow and when the rogue was bassicly dead some mage (jk wambo) came to the arena and pompyro'd the druid-killing him. I'm pretty sure Dntryme died before the POM yet they redueled and Dntryme won.. Pretty unfair IMO.

That's it i guess, hope you guys read it and answer or just use the advices in the future events!
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Re: Feedback on the 1v1 event.

Post by Balls »

no healers allowed but super cheeky T5 + int gear ferals are))))
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Re: Feedback on the 1v1 event.

Post by Parakatiani »

First of all i agree with you Mayore 100% but the problem is maybe Keas dont know the meaning of
"Line of Sight" i saw like Pipeofpeace to Los 2 rounds and that was really unfair for the 2 opponents.
I believe its better for Keas to start doing some other kind of events like hide and seek or something
like that because it seems that there is lot of trouble with the "pvp" ones.
Last edited by Parakatiani on 29 Jun 2014, 22:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Feedback on the 1v1 event.

Post by Mayore »

just found out that eating is allowed for every class.. uhm. what?
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Re: Feedback on the 1v1 event.

Post by Parakatiani »

Well that Gm Keas didnt even search last guy for the event to.I dont know what to say anymore
even tho if you say something they always will find an excuse to reply.
Posts: 415

Re: Feedback on the 1v1 event.

Post by Dntryme »

Mayore wrote:Before i start i just want to say that there is no hate involved, no personal prejudice nor hate. Good to see that there's actually something happening. I'm only trying to give some constructive criticism.

For those of you who don't know what's this is about: there was an event tonight: 1v1, arena rules pretty much (no potions, no long coldown abbilites) and what's intresting - no LOS.

First of all i think the spot choice was horrible- blade's edge arena or actually the bridge only. I understand that you don't want to give people to los because of the few classes that would make more profits of it than the other, BUT there are better places to do that kind of event- for example guru or dire maul area or even nagrand area.. The bridge on the arena is simply to narrow.

Secondly, i mentioned no-los rule but you guys missed Pipeofpeace (i wasn't watching all fights so it could be more people) using los to heal himself- that should get him disqualified.

I think that it would be better if the class or specs would be unique- in that event there was like 2 warriors, 3 fearls, 3 rogues and 2 mages. I know that it's hard to find unique classes but it's just an idea.

And finally, (keep in mind what i said at start- no personal prejudice) due to lack of people participating in the event (i hope so lol) Dntryme did not have to fight in the first round of the event, he was just moved to second round- where some /accident/ happend. He was against Gentlecow and when the rogue was bassicly dead some mage (jk wambo) came to the arena and pompyro'd the druid-killing him. I'm pretty sure Dntryme died before the POM yet they redueled and Dntryme won.. Pretty unfair IMO.

That's it i guess, hope you guys read it and answer or just use the advices in the future events!
I agree with that.
Blade's Edge Arena and no LoS? I don't see logic behind that. If you fell down, you got disqualified.
Allowed to eat was also kinda weird.
And as you've said, unique classes/specs would be better.

Btw: I didn't have to attend the first round because there were like 7 or 9 players.
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Re: Feedback on the 1v1 event.

Post by Mayore »

Dntryme wrote:
Btw: I didn't have to attend the first round because there were like 7 or 9 players.

yes i know but it's just unfair, it should be either 6 or 8 then
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Re: Feedback on the 1v1 event.

Post by Apuclevercow »

Actually I'm mad because I said that I will not fight with T5 bonus, that's what I did. First duel against rogue master, easy win. I was at 60% hp before the surprise. Second duel, bad rng, no T5 to save the milk, cow's dead.
I don't know where this event went... Any winner ?

Nice to see these new GMs committed at SF events. We can be sure that the next ones will be better.
About the participation, I came like a boss with my flying mount, I'm sure that many others did the same. (I didn't even have to whisp a GM)
Btw I don't know why I had to duel someone who didn't make a first duel like I did.
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Re: Feedback on the 1v1 event.

Post by Keas »

Mayore wrote: what's intresting - no LOS.
When I said that you cannot fall off the bridge, you guys alone concluded that los isn't allowed. However, if you could quote that I said "no los", be my guest to win this argument.
Mayore wrote:First of all i think the spot choice was horrible- blade's edge arena or actually the bridge only.
If you'd like neutral places with no competitions, feel free to go duel someone in the duel zone. It's an event, what's the point of it, if it's as neutral as a normal duel with uncompetitive 1v1 matches. The bridge was here to 'limit' your battlefield, making the rogues vulnerable for example, however they managed to reach the final matches. No contender had a problem with the bridge, you were simply viewing the event, you didn't experience how it goes with a limited battlefield where you could fall at any mistake.
Mayore wrote:Secondly, i mentioned no-los rule but you guys missed Pipeofpeace (i wasn't watching all fights so it could be more people) using los to heal himself- that should get him disqualified.
Again, I never mentioned any direct los rule. You maybe did. If you think that I did by saying "Do not fall off the bridge", then you got it wrong.
Mayore wrote:I think that it would be better if the class or specs would be unique- in that event there was like 2 warriors, 3 fearls, 3 rogues and 2 mages. I know that it's hard to find unique classes but it's just an idea.
I am summoning the first X number of whispers. Healers aren't allowed and SL/SL as well. However, disqualifying a rogue because there are 4 rogues, isn't the case. It's an event, everyone has the right to join. If no priests wants to join, it's not the problem for the 5th rogue (if "4 rogues" was the limit).
Mayore wrote:And finally, (keep in mind what i said at start- no personal prejudice) due to lack of people participating in the event (i hope so lol) Dntryme did not have to fight in the first round of the event, he was just moved to second round- where some /accident/ happend. He was against Gentlecow and when the rogue was bassicly dead some mage (jk wambo) came to the arena and pompyro'd the druid-killing him. I'm pretty sure Dntryme died before the POM yet they redueled and Dntryme won.. Pretty unfair IMO.
Every event has its own number of contenders in order to manage my time and the players time. Everything is written down and shared with the other Game Masters. Also, no personal prejudice, thanks for suggesting these stuff, but it's not the first and won't be the last event to be made. Players can be lucky, it has happened before and they understand that. I cannot make a 1v1 event with 30 contenders, taking 3 hours to reach the final match. Also, I stopped the match as soon as the mage attacked and of course he got banned. Careless of the HP, it has to be rematched. Take as an example the Udeader and the mage (something starting with V) the rogue survive and won with only 42 HP left. It's not my decision, nor yours. It has to be restarted because of an external intervention.

Thanks for your comments though, if there's anything more you'd like to add, be my guest.
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Re: Feedback on the 1v1 event.

Post by Keas »

Apuclevercow wrote:Actually I'm mad because I said that I will not fight with T5 bonus, that's what I did. First duel against rogue master, easy win. I was at 60% hp before the surprise. Second duel, bad rng, no T5 to save the milk, cow's dead.
Balls wrote:no healers allowed but super cheeky T5 + int gear ferals are))))
You took a decision by yourself, I'm not supposed to offer you what gear you'd like to use, am I?
Parakatiani wrote:the problem is maybe Keas dont know the meaning of
"Line of Sight" i saw like Pipeofpeace to Los 2 rounds and that was really unfair for the 2 opponents.
I believe its better for Keas to start doing some other kind of events like hide and seek or something
like that because it seems that there is lot of trouble with the "pvp" ones.
Also, read the reply above. I did not refer to LoS directly. Mayore did, therefore I didn't suspend or end any match with LoS "on the bridge". The only thing I said was "Do not fall off the bridge no matter what". If you could quote that I said no LoS, also, be my guest to win this argument.
Mayore wrote:just found out that eating is allowed for every class.. uhm. what?
Eating is normal. If you haven't seen it, it doesn't mean that it's odd. It's just new maybe, and it's fair, both classes will be able to eat once out of combat. Which is rare.
Parakatiani wrote:Well that Gm Keas didnt even search last guy for the event to.I dont know what to say anymore
even tho if you say something they always will find an excuse to reply.
When you actually make me understand your point, with correct arguments, I might run out of excuses.
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