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Balancing donations
Posted: 12 Oct 2013, 10:32
by Zydian05
So s4 MALL (with means special items and tons of swp gear) costs around 5eu. While single swp weapons cost to 12eu.
The argument to say we keep it this low becasue it has always been like that doesnt hold against the fact that you get a server that is full of 'overpowered' becasue the s2/3 - s4/swp void is way to big.
Its like as a kid you open a cookie stand in front of your house. It has so much succes the hole village is coming daily to buy some, they only cost 1 cent per piece anyway.
After all that succes you start going into bussiness on a way higher scale because there is more population that knows the succes of these cookies. But you still sell them for 1cent a piece ...
And then again the cookies dont hold powers that make you stronger then a normal person ...
I should suggest OR riase the s4 mall price, or put swp gear apart from the S4 mall, and make it a saparate payment (maybe for 5dollarsto if you want to be cheap).
It will balance the server and if not you will have more income, win/win
Re: Balancing donations
Posted: 12 Oct 2013, 23:39
by Apuclevercow
It's not about donation b/c for any cost, donation possibility is already something inbalanced. Increasing prices will not change anything.
Re: Balancing donations
Posted: 13 Oct 2013, 03:58
by Xaru
The server is less popular than it was around a year ago, so your analogy doesn't work here. One of the big selling points of this server is the $5 donation, if anything can be done to balance things it would not be to balance donors, but to allow non-donors more benefits.
Re: Balancing donations
Posted: 19 Oct 2013, 00:30
by Zapcraclepop
Xaru wrote:The server is less popular than it was around a year ago, so your analogy doesn't work here. One of the big selling points of this server is the $5 donation, if anything can be done to balance things it would not be to balance donors, but to allow non-donors more benefits.
Somehow, I'm surprised this wasn't about you.
No, what they should do is make SC drop t6 with SWP recipes and have BT drop SWP. since we know how often people clear BT that would fix itself. remove the SWP vendor entirely as well as from donation, then do a full clear on the gear. Sure, people will bitch, maybe even quit (oh no!) but so many more would return or actually stick around, knowing they won't be two shot by 6 druid premades.
But, let's be honest, nothing's going to change. SWP gear is why half these kids play here, so they can run around like Xaru one shotting people and think they're rank 1. It's literally disgusting, and I get a headache everytime I deal with most of our community of spoiled little shits. It's enough to make you go...
Not even the blunt saves the day.
Re: Balancing donations
Posted: 19 Oct 2013, 01:18
by Cube
Re: Balancing donations
Posted: 19 Oct 2013, 07:55
by Zapcraclepop
Cube wrote:mean

What're you talking about? I'm kind, see..
lol, but seriously. I'm tired of sugar coating it. It needs to get done, and until it is BGs will continue to be a waste of time.
Play ONE hour of BGs, Henry. Please. Play through the eyes of a player and just take a good look at what your server has become. I hope then you will see just what every one outside of One Spot or Passion has been begging you to change for months. I know the poll was just for our feedback, but even that showed support of the removal of SWP.
Re: Balancing donations
Posted: 20 Oct 2013, 04:42
by Kylah
Poll 1: Would you be in favor of a system weaking the use of using too much SWP gear? (a punishment for using too much SWP gear instead of PvP gear)
Wipe it all. 210
Implement a system to reduce the effect of SWP gear from using too much of it. 153
Do not change anything. 204
Response: This shows how incredibly divided the Smolderforge community is. Over the years it has become increasingly difficult for us to make major changes to the server anymore. From the data we gather, we're able to see that players tend to play Smolderforge for different reasons. Many people want something different, or are attracted to the things it already offers. Many people overreacted with this poll question assuming we were very serious on this decision. Please keep in mind, this is a poll, not an actual vote. We mainly did this to get a sense of what the community thought on this issue since the forums is not a viable place to gather feedback. We can clearly see that our assumptions were correct.
The consensus was pretty balanced. I wouldn't say the majority of the population is leaning to one side or another.
The anger in this thread is hilarious. Ive never once bitched about being killed by someone with SWP gear. It was part of the retail game so its not like it was something custom that was added on to this server. Wearing SWP has its drawbacks as well.
Re: Balancing donations
Posted: 20 Oct 2013, 10:50
by Cube
Kylah wrote:It was part of the retail game so its not like it was something custom that was added on to this server.
It was?
Re: Balancing donations
Posted: 20 Oct 2013, 19:49
by Kylah
Sunwell Plateau Items were part of retail yes. Was there a vendor sitting in a donor area in Retail? Obviously Not.
Re: Balancing donations
Posted: 20 Oct 2013, 20:52
by Cube
See, that wasn't too hard, now was it?
Next time, try something valid instead.