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Duel Fade System

Posted: 05 May 2013, 18:22
by Osiriis
Ive seen it on other servers in past, Its a System where once the duel begins all other players but u and ur opponent fade away and u can only see u and ur opponent.

It heavily cuts down on lag in dueling areas and its alot easier to keep track of ur opponent without having ppl run on u or use huge mounts to mess duels up or anything like that

its a good system Just thought id mention it, Since this is currrently the best tbc server on the planet(and always will be) but we should look to upgrade anytime we can to stay the best :)

Re: Duel Fade System

Posted: 05 May 2013, 18:45
by Xaru
I don't know man, I like to watch people duel.

Also if there is something that should be fixed it should be the ability for others to use chain heal/holy shock to people in duels.

Re: Duel Fade System

Posted: 05 May 2013, 20:21
by Bucovsky
The only annoying thing about duels are skilled rogue ambushers.

Re: Duel Fade System

Posted: 05 May 2013, 20:42
by Osiriis
Xaru wrote:I don't know man, I like to watch people duel.

Also if there is something that should be fixed it should be the ability for others to use chain heal/holy shock to people in duels.
u can still watch them duel just the ppl dueling cant see the spectators or other ppl dueling and yes the chain heals need to stop cause it really messes up duels

Re: Duel Fade System

Posted: 05 May 2013, 22:58
by Imperium
Osiriis wrote:Ive seen it on other servers in past, Its a System where once the duel begins all other players but u and ur opponent fade away and u can only see u and ur opponent.

It heavily cuts down on lag in dueling areas and its alot easier to keep track of ur opponent without having ppl run on u or use huge mounts to mess duels up or anything like that

its a good system Just thought id mention it, Since this is currrently the best tbc server on the planet(and always will be) but we should look to upgrade anytime we can to stay the best :)
I think it's a form of phasing.

I could be wrong though, and I'm unsure if you can see other players but they can't see you. Different phases, different views.

Re: Duel Fade System

Posted: 05 May 2013, 23:08
by Henhouse
I've seen it done on NextGen. Will admit, it's actually really cool. I have NO idea how you can develop phasing on 2.4.3, but it's something I would be curious to find out.

Re: Duel Fade System

Posted: 06 May 2013, 02:22
by Osiriis
yes plz hen figure it out they have it on shitty ass trekster 2.4.3 where they give evryone warglaives for free(STUPID AS FUCK) and nextgens 2.4.3 server if they can do it I know our badass devs can do it

and u can still watch duels it just takes away all the players that arent in the duel so u dont have ne one blocking ur line of sight or nething like its just You vs ur Opponent and when duel is over everyone fades/phases back in xD

Re: Duel Fade System

Posted: 06 May 2013, 11:47
by Bucovsky
What if player of opposite fraction comes and attacks you while you are dueling? What happens? Can you defend somehow?

Re: Duel Fade System

Posted: 06 May 2013, 12:59
by Mayore
Bucovsky wrote:What if player of opposite fraction comes and attacks you while you are dueling? What happens? Can you defend somehow?
they have neutral dueling area on NG

Re: Duel Fade System

Posted: 06 May 2013, 20:07
by Osiriis
Bucovsky wrote:What if player of opposite fraction comes and attacks you while you are dueling? What happens? Can you defend somehow?
yeah has to be done in a neutral duel zone to prevent the ganks cause u raise a good point BUC