Smolderforge Reloaded
Posted: 10 Mar 2012, 14:16
We'll i seen this idea from a server who died LONG ago I been on this server for so long & yeah after being here so long it's kind getting old/Boring Many ppl can say the same probly but here's an idea
A new Server Fresh Start It will take some time to get this started but still it's something New/Unique Not every1 have tryed this yet so it's an unsure Thing it can work & come out very good or it can end out bad but yeah the idea
Start from the start Karazhan / Gruul / Magy / Dungeons (Heriocs) Scripted or half scripted (just so it's a little bit challenging You know)
Starter Gear?
Dungeon Set 3 (Blue) With Blue dungeon off set pieces (It's the start so yeah can't start with tier 1 if only tier 1 instance are just open)
Blue pvp Set from reps for free for the arena player's
& another thing epics from BG's Off Set Honor & Arena Set Arena Points + arena Rating ?(Yes or no Can be chosen by server)
Malls? well you can put them in city's But yeah i would say let every1 start with a proff at 300/375 & lvl it up for pve/pvp usage by farming the mats thereself it makes AH be useabel Money Rate Little bit up cus of crazy ppl will be overpricing the mats but still It will make ppl not be at 1 mall But using the City's
That's the Idea & if it works every seasen starts when you see a Guild Clear the latest Content or if you Finished up Scripting the Next raid/Dungeon It's a big Job But yeah It Could be tested By opening another Server & Put it in a test Phase & see how many ppl like it or dont like it xD
it's only a idea & a Dream but still if you would try it . It could raise the server cap even higher cus it develops cus it's like the start of wow but then No patches Just Old scripted (New scripts Your own Touch? or the old 1s) & If you fix buggs that are found ofc & Adding the next Seasen Gear every New Seasen .
It's alot of Text & my english aint the best But i guess it's readabel
A new Server Fresh Start It will take some time to get this started but still it's something New/Unique Not every1 have tryed this yet so it's an unsure Thing it can work & come out very good or it can end out bad but yeah the idea
Start from the start Karazhan / Gruul / Magy / Dungeons (Heriocs) Scripted or half scripted (just so it's a little bit challenging You know)
Starter Gear?
Dungeon Set 3 (Blue) With Blue dungeon off set pieces (It's the start so yeah can't start with tier 1 if only tier 1 instance are just open)
Blue pvp Set from reps for free for the arena player's
& another thing epics from BG's Off Set Honor & Arena Set Arena Points + arena Rating ?(Yes or no Can be chosen by server)
Malls? well you can put them in city's But yeah i would say let every1 start with a proff at 300/375 & lvl it up for pve/pvp usage by farming the mats thereself it makes AH be useabel Money Rate Little bit up cus of crazy ppl will be overpricing the mats but still It will make ppl not be at 1 mall But using the City's
That's the Idea & if it works every seasen starts when you see a Guild Clear the latest Content or if you Finished up Scripting the Next raid/Dungeon It's a big Job But yeah It Could be tested By opening another Server & Put it in a test Phase & see how many ppl like it or dont like it xD
it's only a idea & a Dream but still if you would try it . It could raise the server cap even higher cus it develops cus it's like the start of wow but then No patches Just Old scripted (New scripts Your own Touch? or the old 1s) & If you fix buggs that are found ofc & Adding the next Seasen Gear every New Seasen .
It's alot of Text & my english aint the best But i guess it's readabel