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A couple of humble suggestions, if I may

Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 18:01
by Teddey
Hey guys,

Just decided I'd put my thoughts out there.

A few things I'd like to see on this server, though I'm not sure how others feel about it, would be:

1.) Some active world PvP:
I personally believe that just putting a portal to Winterspring with Liron the portal dude would be enough to get a good bunch of people going there. World PvP is great fun, & Winterspring would offer a great alternative ambience to Hyjal's green grasses. Plus, it would be a great way to have people experience a bit of Azeroth, which not many do.

2.) A neutral dueling area:
I've posted about this in more detail in the appropriate thread.

3.) Scripting MGT heroic:
I'm well aware that this is a PvP server, but nevertheless it's an instance alot of people run regularly, & could offer a nice PvE break for some.

4.) Having a 'Convert your Honour to Badges' option:
I know there is Badges to Honour, as wel as Arena Points to Honour, so why not Honour to Badges? Alot of people, like myself, are honour capped, and there's always something random you can pick up for badges. Would be a nice small little addition to our server.

5.) Fixing the Battleground Flag item (?):
I'm referring to the respective Alliance/Horde flag that you can buy from officer's lounges for around 15k honour I think. I don't think it works as it's intended to. However, I may be completely wrong, so I apologize for this pointer if I am.

6.) Fixing the bug that needs to make locks summon their pet every time they ress:
This would be such a time-saver. I know I speak for all locks when I say this. Your pet should only need resummoning when it is killed or dismissed.

7.) Making Isle of Quel Danas a PvP zone:
I've never been on retail, so I don't know if it supposed to be a sanctuary or not, but in my old private server, PvP was allowed in IQD. It's just good fun & would add a bit of competitiveness to doing the dailies.

8.) Separate our channel into Chat, and Lookin For Group, and promote people to use both for their specific purpose:
The few who do PvE here may miss a valuable LF healer message in the channel, amidst all the flame wars.

9.) Hold an event!!:
GM held events are so much fun. Maybe a scavenger hunt! Would actually make people explore some of the lovely maps no one ever goes to in Warcraft. Or even a PvP event. 1v1s, 2v2s (or even 3v3s, which may even help promote the bracket) held by GMs in a cool, isolated dungeon type environment, or at one arena or the other, where everyone can come & spectate. These can be so much fun. Maybe reward someone with a fancy mount, a cool decorative piece of armour, or maybe a piece or an offset piece of S4? Just throwing the idea out there. I've seen these type of things get a whole server excited before =]

I'll add a few more when they come to mind, but this is all for now. I hope you all (players, as well as staff) take this in the manner intended: Merely as fun suggestions, and not as a torch to light up a flame war.

Thanks, & leave your feedback guys. I'd love to know what you all think.

Re: A couple of humble suggestions, if I may

Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 18:10
by Clizzey


Love your ideas, giefffff more pvp :<<<

Re: A couple of humble suggestions, if I may

Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 18:16
by Cube
Teddey wrote:1.) Some active world PvP:
I personally believe that just putting a portal to Winterspring with Liron the portal dude would be enough to get a good bunch of people going there. World PvP is great fun, & Winterspring would offer a great alternative ambience to Hyjal's green grasses. Plus, it would be a great way to have people experience a bit of Azeroth, which not many do.
Remove the profession material vendors. Make materials spawn in their respective ways. Put all materials in the same zone. Point Liron in that direction. There you have a recipe for some good old world-pvp.

Re: A couple of humble suggestions, if I may

Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 18:16
by Geezuus
Teddey wrote:Hey guys,

Just decided I'd put my thoughts out there.

A few things I'd like to see on this server, though I'm not sure how others feel about it, would be:

1.) Some active world PvP:
I personally believe that just putting a portal to Winterspring with Liron the portal dude would be enough to get a good bunch of people going there. World PvP is great fun, & Winterspring would offer a great alternative ambience to Hyjal's green grasses. Plus, it would be a great way to have people experience a bit of Azeroth, which not many do.

2.) A neutral dueling area:
I've posted about this in more detail in the appropriate thread.

3.) Scripting MGT heroic:
I'm well aware that this is a PvP server, but nevertheless it's an instance alot of people run regularly, & could offer a nice PvE break for some.

4.) Having a 'Convert your Honour to Badges' option:
I know there is Badges to Honour, as wel as Arena Points to Honour, so why not Honour to Badges? Alot of people, like myself, are honour capped, and there's always something random you can pick up for badges. Would be a nice small little addition to our server.

5.) Fixing the Battleground Flag item (?):
I'm referring to the respective Alliance/Horde flag that you can buy from officer's lounges for around 15k honour I think. I don't think it works as it's intended to. However, I may be completely wrong, so I apologize for this pointer if I am.

6.) Fixing the bug that needs to make locks summon their pet every time they ress:
This would be such a time-saver. I know I speak for all locks when I say this. Your pet should only need resummoning when it is killed or dismissed.

7.) Making Isle of Quel Danas a PvP zone:
I've never been on retail, so I don't know if it supposed to be a sanctuary or not, but in my old private server, PvP was allowed in IQD. It's just good fun & would add a bit of competitiveness to doing the dailies.

8.) Separate our channel into Chat, and Lookin For Group, and promote people to use both for their specific purpose:
The few who do PvE here may miss a valuable LF healer message in the channel, amidst all the flame wars.

9.) Hold an event!!:
GM held events are so much fun. Maybe a scavenger hunt! Would actually make people explore some of the lovely maps no one ever goes to in Warcraft. Or even a PvP event. 1v1s, 2v2s (or even 3v3s, which may even help promote the bracket) held by GMs in a cool, isolated dungeon type environment, or at one arena or the other, where everyone can come & spectate. These can be so much fun. Maybe reward someone with a fancy mount, a cool decorative piece of armour, or maybe a piece or an offset piece of S4? Just throwing the idea out there. I've seen these type of things get a whole server excited before =]

I'll add a few more when they come to mind, but this is all for now. I hope you all (players, as well as staff) take this in the manner intended: Merely as fun suggestions, and not as a torch to light up a flame war.

Thanks, & leave your feedback guys. I'd love to know what you all think.
1 - i dont give a sht.. hyjal is like AV bridge fight,two big grps of dudes and none wants to go forward/backwards,sometimes one person runs into the big grp,gets ganked,and thats it,winterspring wudnt be any different

2 - not bad idea,tho those who rly want just take portal to shatt n duel outside shatt,but we could use cd reset dude there

3 - dont care

4 - dont care and dont need

5 - yea that is not a bad idea

6 - ye and fix frostmage water elemental with it since its settings gets always resetted on every resummon,aswell they could finally put the frostbolt on active so ppl dont have to macro the waterelemental FB to icelance,Working ember on shard of azzinoth would be cool too imo

7 - I was on Pve server on retail but if you toggled pvp combat in isle of quel danas you could normally be ganked by other faction,i think its exactly same here (think u can turn on the pvp mode) but if not it would be cool if it was pvp area,would be more of world pvp than hyjal and other such wannabeworldpvp areas

8 - Ppl that wouldnt /join world would write over the other channels anyway,just like on other servers that has such channels

9 - yea events could be fun,pvp ones anyway!

Re: A couple of humble suggestions, if I may

Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 18:25
by Teddey
Cube wrote:
Teddey wrote:1.) Some active world PvP:
I personally believe that just putting a portal to Winterspring with Liron the portal dude would be enough to get a good bunch of people going there. World PvP is great fun, & Winterspring would offer a great alternative ambience to Hyjal's green grasses. Plus, it would be a great way to have people experience a bit of Azeroth, which not many do.
Remove the profession material vendors. Make materials spawn in their respective ways. Put all materials in the same zone. Point Liron in that direction. There you have a recipe for some good old world-pvp.

I love this idea!

Re: A couple of humble suggestions, if I may

Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 18:36
by Magecraft
1) world pvp yes, a new zone instead of hyjal aswell as pvp quests/and or pvp objectives all around azeroth to make people move around for pvp outside the bg's too. Also put vendors and everything into the cities for more city pvp such as raids etc. Remove hyjal, the place is buggy and annoying to pvp in for most classes(specially casters with weird LoS at some places).

2). i think it's a bad idea, If you want to duel the opposite faction pick a zone and go there.

3). Don't really care but it might be nice with some variation.

4). Not a bad idea.

5). Don't care.

6) good idea although i don't play warlock that much.

7). This should had been done a long time ago. Isle should be contested territory as in retail where it was one of the biggest world pvp zones in the game. Also as cube said, remove the profession/enchant vendors and let people farm professions/mats instead for maybe even more wpvp.

8). This is a good idea and remove the ability for the different factions to avoid the flaming in both public chat and whispers. Too many times do i get negative whispers from people that i kill in pvp.

9). I don't mind events but i don't feel like i need any events either but i keep an open mind to this idea.

Re: A couple of humble suggestions, if I may

Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 18:48
by Cube
From time to time, but no I'm fairly tired of the lag. Waiting for the Wrath server. Henry gogo... uhm, II meant world pvp.

Edit: To be a bit on-topic I would start playing way more if there was some world-pvp around.

Re: A couple of humble suggestions, if I may

Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 19:30
by Wacco
1.) Some active world PvP:

I really want world pvp so that you can have Ganking Game on this server, it is linked to that you have malls in capitals and not share it. :D
I do not think a portal would work as long Hyjal is available or if people will take initiative and trying to create world pvp here.
Passion vs. Link in a pvp zone would be something (when horde have healers!)

2.) A neutral dueling area:

Tbh you can just simply go to Outland or COT though it is a good idea and of course it has been up before. I think that there should be a place like this

4.) Having a 'Convert your Honour to Badges' option:

it would be something, I waste it on SWP items so I do not have to gem :)

6.) Fixing the bug that needs to make locks summon their pet every time they ress:


7.) Making Isle of Quel Danas a PvP zone:

There is a thread about it and Henhouse gave a good answer

I do not think Quel Danas will work because people will just be pussies and kill people that have little HP or someone who just finished his quest.

9.) Hold an event!!:

Why not there are many easy things you can do.

Re: A couple of humble suggestions, if I may

Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 19:38
by Henhouse
1. The reason it works with Hyjal is because it's an empty no-go zone. It would be extremely challenging to create a PvP experience in a very large open questing zone. Hyjal is 2008 content that was actually created to get people away from Quel'Danas (more on that in a second) it originally was going to be placed around Azshara Crater (the closed BG map) but that place is also, extremely huge and open. However, it is empty which makes good possibility, but it was intended for a 40v40 battleground -- too big.

2. I've answered this somewhere else already but the way the core is currently programmed having a neutral area like the mall, and dueling at the same time is impossible. This was completely rewritten in Wrath cores because of Dalaran dueling, etc. But the way our core works you would only be able to do it in a open PvP area... like Hyjal or outside Shattrath.

3. Are any of the heroics scripted? I don't know too much about them really, I've never looked into how heroics work vs. non-heroics.

4. I knew these questions were going to start arising. Converting badges to honor is a gift really. The feature never existed until this summer when I added it. It's meant to be just a convenience. But to allow everyone to transfer things back and forth would be pointless to the already small effort of grinding for gear. It was mainly because people that voted complained about not being able to buy anything but PvE gear so we allowed to you convert and Season 3 went full honor-bought around that time too. Converting back would be very difficult since you cannot have a quest take honor from you, so I would have to do the convert like the arena badges, buying something with them and then turning it in. The way it works would never be a perfect transaction. One side would always obtain more honor points that is supposed to so people could exploit that theoretically.

5. I believe the Alterac Valley one works? Not sure I haven't checked it lately.

6. I've told Darkgroom several times to look into this, but he's either being disappearing or working on performance stuff to do it just yet. :|

7. Been there, done it several times over the years. It ends up becoming a huge mess every time. The idea sounds GREAT in theory. I mean I remember what it was like on retail, but then again on retail it was more populated and people sometimes would defend you, etc. On here from what I've seen the several times of having it, it completely destroys the environment people are busy questing in to get reputation, fragments of justice, etc. You have rogues who enter the area and will just constantly, CONSTANTLY gank people. Then in come rolling the tickets. People think it's a bannable offense so they start reporting the players, asking for bans, etc. It becomes such a mess it's so much easier to completely remove the PvP from the zone altogether. I believe this is why Blizzard made the Wrath of the Lich King equivalent daily area a sanctuary.

8. I've already thought about doing something similar where players are put into a like Global or World channel by default and they can just leave if they want. PS: Players NEVER use the LFG tool... sadly, I guess they don't know how.

9. I've usually advised against events because they are VERY hard to control. Because you got ~20 people they will never listen to you. You'll say, don't run away, stay here. At least 5 will go wandering off. Very, very difficult to control and can be stressful. Also I no longer hire level 2 GMs so there would be absolutely no reward. Already I don't like to give rewards because it's just... meh. I feel we already have a system of progression in place and adding stuff tampers with it. But maybe, we'll see. I've never been a fan of game-object spam either to do stair stuff.

* 9b. I would love to see 3v3 become more active. The thing is, many private servers aren't lucky, you can barely get people to do 3v3. Even AT's Wrath server 2v2 is vastly more popular. I guess it's just easier to find 2 same-language skilled players to play rather than 3 and expect them to be online, not quit, etc. This goes hand-in-hand with WHY Smolderforge has BG rotations. As I've learned over the years. If you do not FORCE players to play a battleground, it will become WSG, WSG, WSG, WSG, WSG, WSG. You'll never see the end of it. We had that problem when we couldn't control Smolderforge Wrath's battlegrounds due to the way you queue in Wrath. Luckily this time around we're making it so you can only queue for Random Battleground ;)

@Cube I'm waiting until we get good enough use of this month's rent on the server before I look into buying a new one. I hope to fix the lag soon on TBC. I mean it's not horrendous, it's just... become very inconvenient and I don't know where it came from. Darkgroom was working on some performance stuff and then just..... disappeared? Not sure where he went. Wrath is a decent work in progress, but TrinityCore has an insane bug right now that is severely hindering my progress. You can read about the issue here. I can say that ICC works like 95%, for that I'm extremely excited about. I have gone on around ~3 top Wrath servers at the moment and they're all horrible. Funservers that is. I had trouble connecting to them for a while, most accounts didn't even work for a while but they all have terrible designs and cookie-cutter vendors and in lines. So I think we have a good shot at possibly working our way up to the top.

Re: A couple of humble suggestions, if I may

Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 19:43
by Amgseret
1) idc
2) didnt Hen said its impossible because of some flagging shit ?
3) wouldnt hurt
4) sounds pretty gd
5) idc :x
6) would make me play lock more often
7) would annoy a lot people but sure why not
8) dont think it´ll change much, people prolly would spam in other too
9) events sure but rewards should be considered carefully :d
10) oh wait there is no fucking 10...WHY NOT