A couple of humble suggestions, if I may
Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 18:01
Hey guys,
Just decided I'd put my thoughts out there.
A few things I'd like to see on this server, though I'm not sure how others feel about it, would be:
1.) Some active world PvP:
I personally believe that just putting a portal to Winterspring with Liron the portal dude would be enough to get a good bunch of people going there. World PvP is great fun, & Winterspring would offer a great alternative ambience to Hyjal's green grasses. Plus, it would be a great way to have people experience a bit of Azeroth, which not many do.
2.) A neutral dueling area:
I've posted about this in more detail in the appropriate thread.
3.) Scripting MGT heroic:
I'm well aware that this is a PvP server, but nevertheless it's an instance alot of people run regularly, & could offer a nice PvE break for some.
4.) Having a 'Convert your Honour to Badges' option:
I know there is Badges to Honour, as wel as Arena Points to Honour, so why not Honour to Badges? Alot of people, like myself, are honour capped, and there's always something random you can pick up for badges. Would be a nice small little addition to our server.
5.) Fixing the Battleground Flag item (?):
I'm referring to the respective Alliance/Horde flag that you can buy from officer's lounges for around 15k honour I think. I don't think it works as it's intended to. However, I may be completely wrong, so I apologize for this pointer if I am.
6.) Fixing the bug that needs to make locks summon their pet every time they ress:
This would be such a time-saver. I know I speak for all locks when I say this. Your pet should only need resummoning when it is killed or dismissed.
7.) Making Isle of Quel Danas a PvP zone:
I've never been on retail, so I don't know if it supposed to be a sanctuary or not, but in my old private server, PvP was allowed in IQD. It's just good fun & would add a bit of competitiveness to doing the dailies.
8.) Separate our channel into Chat, and Lookin For Group, and promote people to use both for their specific purpose:
The few who do PvE here may miss a valuable LF healer message in the channel, amidst all the flame wars.
9.) Hold an event!!:
GM held events are so much fun. Maybe a scavenger hunt! Would actually make people explore some of the lovely maps no one ever goes to in Warcraft. Or even a PvP event. 1v1s, 2v2s (or even 3v3s, which may even help promote the bracket) held by GMs in a cool, isolated dungeon type environment, or at one arena or the other, where everyone can come & spectate. These can be so much fun. Maybe reward someone with a fancy mount, a cool decorative piece of armour, or maybe a piece or an offset piece of S4? Just throwing the idea out there. I've seen these type of things get a whole server excited before =]
I'll add a few more when they come to mind, but this is all for now. I hope you all (players, as well as staff) take this in the manner intended: Merely as fun suggestions, and not as a torch to light up a flame war.
Thanks, & leave your feedback guys. I'd love to know what you all think.
Just decided I'd put my thoughts out there.
A few things I'd like to see on this server, though I'm not sure how others feel about it, would be:
1.) Some active world PvP:
I personally believe that just putting a portal to Winterspring with Liron the portal dude would be enough to get a good bunch of people going there. World PvP is great fun, & Winterspring would offer a great alternative ambience to Hyjal's green grasses. Plus, it would be a great way to have people experience a bit of Azeroth, which not many do.
2.) A neutral dueling area:
I've posted about this in more detail in the appropriate thread.
3.) Scripting MGT heroic:
I'm well aware that this is a PvP server, but nevertheless it's an instance alot of people run regularly, & could offer a nice PvE break for some.
4.) Having a 'Convert your Honour to Badges' option:
I know there is Badges to Honour, as wel as Arena Points to Honour, so why not Honour to Badges? Alot of people, like myself, are honour capped, and there's always something random you can pick up for badges. Would be a nice small little addition to our server.
5.) Fixing the Battleground Flag item (?):
I'm referring to the respective Alliance/Horde flag that you can buy from officer's lounges for around 15k honour I think. I don't think it works as it's intended to. However, I may be completely wrong, so I apologize for this pointer if I am.
6.) Fixing the bug that needs to make locks summon their pet every time they ress:
This would be such a time-saver. I know I speak for all locks when I say this. Your pet should only need resummoning when it is killed or dismissed.
7.) Making Isle of Quel Danas a PvP zone:
I've never been on retail, so I don't know if it supposed to be a sanctuary or not, but in my old private server, PvP was allowed in IQD. It's just good fun & would add a bit of competitiveness to doing the dailies.
8.) Separate our channel into Chat, and Lookin For Group, and promote people to use both for their specific purpose:
The few who do PvE here may miss a valuable LF healer message in the channel, amidst all the flame wars.
9.) Hold an event!!:
GM held events are so much fun. Maybe a scavenger hunt! Would actually make people explore some of the lovely maps no one ever goes to in Warcraft. Or even a PvP event. 1v1s, 2v2s (or even 3v3s, which may even help promote the bracket) held by GMs in a cool, isolated dungeon type environment, or at one arena or the other, where everyone can come & spectate. These can be so much fun. Maybe reward someone with a fancy mount, a cool decorative piece of armour, or maybe a piece or an offset piece of S4? Just throwing the idea out there. I've seen these type of things get a whole server excited before =]
I'll add a few more when they come to mind, but this is all for now. I hope you all (players, as well as staff) take this in the manner intended: Merely as fun suggestions, and not as a torch to light up a flame war.
Thanks, & leave your feedback guys. I'd love to know what you all think.