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Suggestion for donor mall.

Posted: 20 Feb 2009, 17:51
by Deems
First of all, these all should go to donor mall (for obvious reasons) and cost no honor / marks whatsoever.

Star(*) at end means I will explain more below.
Heres some suggestions:
- Season 1 sets
- High Warlord / Grand Marshal sets*
- Profession masters*
- More titles*
- Mount vendor with more exotic mounts*

* HWL/GM sets
- For the pure looks, some people want good looking gear to enhance their character's look and/or show off skill. And ofc nostalgic reasons.

* Profession masters
- Just like the first aid master in normal mall, there should be trainer for every crafting profession and a vendor having the key craftables. Especially engineering. Rocketboots are not usable in arena, don't be afraid that it will ruin arena. :)

* Mount vendor
- Simply, more mounts. Heres a few for example.
Amani war bear.

* More titles
- Again, simple. PVP ranks & PVE ranks. (Keep arena ranks for people who earned them)

There are what I came up with. Feel free to add more of your ideas.

Re: Suggestion for donor mall.

Posted: 20 Feb 2009, 18:00
by Molyporph
I concur
rocket boots get please

Re: Suggestion for donor mall.

Posted: 20 Feb 2009, 18:29
by Deems
Oh and you might wanna consider removing DESERTER debuff Henhouse. I hate having 4k MS because the server is crowded, then trigger warden by blinking and getting kicked out and not able to enter BG for another 15 minutes because of the servers fault.

Re: Suggestion for donor mall.

Posted: 20 Feb 2009, 18:42
by Rothora
YES ROCKET BOOTS ! well i just leveled my engineering tho but i dont have the recipe ;) so PLEASE add rocket boots and the HWL gear and more titles and proffesions

btw Image

Re: Suggestion for donor mall.

Posted: 20 Feb 2009, 20:30
by evusen
Great idea! HWL would be rly cool for looks and engi is so much fun in PvP. Do eet

Re: Suggestion for donor mall.

Posted: 20 Feb 2009, 20:45
by Sariks

Re: Suggestion for donor mall.

Posted: 20 Feb 2009, 23:12
by Crestfallen
let pwn eliden do svord lok kool!!!!

Re: Suggestion for donor mall.

Posted: 20 Feb 2009, 23:56
by Henhouse
Deems wrote:Oh and you might wanna consider removing DESERTER debuff Henhouse. I hate having 4k MS because the server is crowded, then trigger warden by blinking and getting kicked out and not able to enter BG for another 15 minutes because of the servers fault.
Sorry, that'll never happen, please leave, enter, leave, enter, leave enter.

About to get killed? NO PROBLEM! Just leave, enter, leave, enter.

Re: Suggestion for donor mall.

Posted: 21 Feb 2009, 00:22
by Deems
Atleast make it shorter than fifteen minutes or try getting a good alternative for it. 15 minutes is just plain stupid because you didn't even leave yourself.

Re: Suggestion for donor mall.

Posted: 21 Feb 2009, 00:33
by Rothora
Agree with Henhouse there...

but what you think about the other stuff Hen ? sounds reasonable :)