Suggestion for donor mall.
Posted: 20 Feb 2009, 17:51
First of all, these all should go to donor mall (for obvious reasons) and cost no honor / marks whatsoever.
Star(*) at end means I will explain more below.
Heres some suggestions:
- Season 1 sets
- High Warlord / Grand Marshal sets*
- Profession masters*
- More titles*
- Mount vendor with more exotic mounts*
* HWL/GM sets
- For the pure looks, some people want good looking gear to enhance their character's look and/or show off skill. And ofc nostalgic reasons.
* Profession masters
- Just like the first aid master in normal mall, there should be trainer for every crafting profession and a vendor having the key craftables. Especially engineering. Rocketboots are not usable in arena, don't be afraid that it will ruin arena. :)
* Mount vendor
- Simply, more mounts. Heres a few for example.
Amani war bear.
* More titles
- Again, simple. PVP ranks & PVE ranks. (Keep arena ranks for people who earned them)
There are what I came up with. Feel free to add more of your ideas.
Star(*) at end means I will explain more below.
Heres some suggestions:
- Season 1 sets
- High Warlord / Grand Marshal sets*
- Profession masters*
- More titles*
- Mount vendor with more exotic mounts*
* HWL/GM sets
- For the pure looks, some people want good looking gear to enhance their character's look and/or show off skill. And ofc nostalgic reasons.
* Profession masters
- Just like the first aid master in normal mall, there should be trainer for every crafting profession and a vendor having the key craftables. Especially engineering. Rocketboots are not usable in arena, don't be afraid that it will ruin arena. :)
* Mount vendor
- Simply, more mounts. Heres a few for example.
Amani war bear.
* More titles
- Again, simple. PVP ranks & PVE ranks. (Keep arena ranks for people who earned them)
There are what I came up with. Feel free to add more of your ideas.