Suggestion : Smolderforge Dailys

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Posts: 6

Suggestion : Smolderforge Dailys

Post by Eeldaeu »

How about having 5-6 PVE dailys and the same amount of PVP dailys, this would keep people active and give them something to do.

I was thinkin and i came up with these ideas

- PvP Quests in Hyjal (maybe kill player etc)
- PvE Quests in mall (but to kill bosses or something, or maybe go grind)

make these quests reward small amounts of honor, AP, BOJ or something :)
Posts: 93
Location: USA

Re: Suggestion : Smolderforge Dailys

Post by Bleu213 »

We already have the PvP ones. There are Hyjal Dailies and Battleground dailies. There aren't any PvE dailies that I'm aware of, aside from voting for the server of course.
Resto-Druid Extraordinaire!
Posts: 926

Re: Suggestion : Smolderforge Dailys

Post by Wacco »

you can take ALL dungeon dailys in shattrath btw thats loads of badges
There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
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