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[Engineering] Arcane Bomb
Posted: 08 Oct 2011, 10:01
by Tantrum
Arcane Bomb - Use: Drains 675 to 1125 mana from those in the blast radius and does 50% of the mana drained in damage to the target. Also Silences targets in the blast for 5 sec.
The schematic of this bomb is currently missing from the Engineering recipe vendor on the Isle. If it is not considered too overpowered, I (and probably some other people too) would like to see it added in the next content update or now, if it is possible. The schematic itself is a rare world drop from the pretbc bosses.
Re: [Engineering] Arcane Bomb
Posted: 08 Oct 2011, 18:58
by Akatosh
Don't expect it to be added. People on this server have it in their minds that the more luck based or time consuming something is the better. You can farm this pattern and it get it after 1 kill or 100000 kills.
Re: [Engineering] Arcane Bomb
Posted: 08 Oct 2011, 19:05
by Mynce
u really take everything totally the wrong way akatosh .
also try to drop that subject youre only starting flamewars with it.
Re: [Engineering] Arcane Bomb
Posted: 08 Oct 2011, 19:09
by Akatosh
Any time someone suggests anything be added, the response from the people on this forum is always an unjustified no.
Re: [Engineering] Arcane Bomb
Posted: 08 Oct 2011, 19:26
by Mynce
the fact that people left this topic alone is because its actually an good idea.
dont take thing so seriously bro....
Re: [Engineering] Arcane Bomb
Posted: 09 Oct 2011, 16:09
by Peekaboo
Here we go, let's destroy it...
Nah honestly, it's not that you'd farm these things, a 5 second silence on everyone's character? You sure about that? Stacked in a 18 slot bag, next to the other one full of Flasks.
If that gets implemented players need to waste their precious time to make them materialize in the inventory, otherwise this would f*ck up PvP.
Re: [Engineering] Arcane Bomb
Posted: 12 Dec 2011, 04:50
by Mutedtoohard
I think it should be allowed with a Unique(3) to it....just sayin.