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PvE on Smolderforge

Posted: 10 Feb 2009, 11:27
by t0sKY
I realize, that this topic will get locked in a secs, I dunno why, but lets at least try

I was wandering a long while, why ppl go PvE on !PVP SERVER! to lag it for ALL the others. That means, for some clueless, 15ppl go SWV, wow we are so happy we got 1 badge from 1 boss! But.. ? Other 75ppl are fucked up, screaming about lags, and lets say it clearly, whats PvP in lags?

Hell no..
It maybe is stupid, maybe Im wrong, its possible. But how about close all the PvE (including world) at least for 1day, and see if its gonna be lagging that hard. In my opinion, I think its not gonna be laggy like crazy when ignorants go raids and are there for half of day till they finally are able to kill 1 boss

Theres a question, dont u wanna rename Smold on PvE Server? Cuz this kinda sucks to me, I mean.. If I wanna PvP on PvP Server, and some scrubs are lagging the whole server, Im going mad

Just go those bloody BGs and DO SOMETHING FOR WIN except running like a suicidebomber with flag in EotS, midfield PvP in WSG.. If u rly want marks

Re: PvE on Smolderforge

Posted: 10 Feb 2009, 13:23
by Henhouse
t0sKY wrote:I realize, that this topic will get locked in a secs, I dunno why, but lets at least try

I was wandering a long while, why ppl go PvE on !PVP SERVER! to lag it for ALL the others. That means, for some clueless, 15ppl go SWV, wow we are so happy we got 1 badge from 1 boss! But.. ? Other 75ppl are fucked up, screaming about lags, and lets say it clearly, whats PvP in lags?

Hell no..
It maybe is stupid, maybe Im wrong, its possible. But how about close all the PvE (including world) at least for 1day, and see if its gonna be lagging that hard. In my opinion, I think its not gonna be laggy like crazy when ignorants go raids and are there for half of day till they finally are able to kill 1 boss

Theres a question, dont u wanna rename Smold on PvE Server? Cuz this kinda sucks to me, I mean.. If I wanna PvP on PvP Server, and some scrubs are lagging the whole server, Im going mad

Just go those bloody BGs and DO SOMETHING FOR WIN except running like a suicidebomber with flag in EotS, midfield PvP in WSG.. If u rly want marks
This is about the third topic I've read where you make no sense in some parts. Why the hell would we need to rename Smolderforge? We never said this was a PvP only server, our listing on only is displaying we have working arena areas and PvP battlegrounds. Also if you do not live in the US and lag, that is YOUR OWN FAULT! This is a North America server, NOT EUROPE. Also when trying to report something, exaggerating gets you know where. There is more than one boss in SWV, there is more than one badge that drops in SWV.

Re: PvE on Smolderforge

Posted: 10 Feb 2009, 20:27
by Mysterious
It does not matter where you live everyone lags that is what he is saying. Its really hard to pvp in lag.

Re: PvE on Smolderforge

Posted: 11 Feb 2009, 17:02
by Zape
People PvE because is easier to get gear doing PvE than doing PvP.

What's the point of waiting weeks to get your f**** s3 chest (supposing that your rating is high) when in 2 days of PvE you can get it?

Btw I live in Europe and I don't lag that hard.

Re: PvE on Smolderforge

Posted: 12 Feb 2009, 00:30
by Henhouse
Zape wrote:People PvE because is easier to get gear doing PvE than doing PvP.

What's the point of waiting weeks to get your f**** s3 chest (supposing that your rating is high) when in 2 days of PvE you can get it?

Btw I live in Europe and I don't lag that hard.
Thank you :).

Re: PvE on Smolderforge

Posted: 12 Feb 2009, 08:04
by NeXTdarE
Well, I live in Europe, Czech Republic. Some month(s)/weeks ago I had serious lags in the middle of the day. But nowadays, I dont have any terrible lags when I play at anytime, so I guess somethings changed, at least to me / or I dont read news if server was upgraded.

I guess t0sKY wanted to say that when its mainly PvP, Hen, it is mainly PvP from view of players. So, mainly PvP, but some people just go for some PvE, server is getting laggy, PvP is turning into Who can run better then me. Some players are shouting at PvErs, those also shout at PvPers. Server gets divided & players wanna kil each other :)
Thats how it goes almost everyday.

If we think about it, theres much more PvPers then PvErs. But those PvErs actually "were" lagging server.. I didnt had any worse lags for a couple of days, so maybe PvE may stay opened to not get laggy. Hell I dunno.

Re: PvE on Smolderforge

Posted: 12 Feb 2009, 10:37
by Sabin
Zape wrote:People PvE because is easier to get gear doing PvE than doing PvP.

What's the point of waiting weeks to get your f**** s3 chest (supposing that your rating is high) when in 2 days of PvE you can get it?

Btw I live in Europe and I don't lag that hard.

So...its ok for the server to lag for the people that spend 2 days getting there gear because they need crutches?

Re: PvE on Smolderforge

Posted: 13 Feb 2009, 10:26
by Fantwo
PVE doesnt lag the server that much does it :/?

When people are in SWV sometimes its just average latency.

Re: PvE on Smolderforge

Posted: 13 Feb 2009, 13:20
by NeXTdarE
I a bit changed my mind from posting last post, so..

PvE maybe sometimes doesnt lag that much - if there isnt that much people like at midday (my time, Prague), I dont know very much about the server, except what I see when being online.
PvE most likely lags very more then much - nowadays not that terribly, but there are moments when people have 5s delays.

In my thinking, I do NOT say its true. I somewhere heard that how more things are being done, then the server gets "overcached" and lags almost from everything. Well, I dont know if its true from any way, but to me it looks like a good point if it true is.
People going PvE, server doesnt lag, people go 15v15 BG, server gets laggy like in the deepest corner of the hell.

But also, I heard Smold server is physically great for this amount of population, but the internet is the problem. So my idea has fallen then.

Maybe I dont even know what I say, so just excuse my senseless thinkings sometimes :)

Maybe, the idea with closing PvE for some while isnt that bad. Lets try it or not? Better then do nothing. Its gonna be a bit clear after all. Check the day how it lags, check the other day without PvE if it lags.
Yes, people will be angry, etc., but its for their own good..

Re: PvE on Smolderforge

Posted: 15 Feb 2009, 17:34
by Rothora
lol ever thought maybe PVP is lagging the server ? ;O

never know can ya ?

dont get me wrong i love pvp just starting a discussion from another corner !