Open PvP Alterac

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Open PvP Alterac

Post by Miathos1993 »

So, I've seen this Idea on a Server I've been 2 years ago and thought the idea is simply awesome.

First of all, sorry for my bad english.

So, the basic idea is to make an open-PvP-area, just like Hyjal is, just in Alterac Valley. Yes, the BG.
It's an open area, no max players, everyone can join in, everytime through a npc.

I will start to explain this:

There are 3 "bases" for every faction.

1. The Main Base

The Main base are the bases where Drek and Van are. This should be a save area. It should contain Vendors for food an reagents, also there should be the spirit healer. A lot of guards should defend it. Maybe Vendors for gear?

2. Second / Third Base

Those are the Towers and Bunkers. In there should also be a vendor for food/reagents and some guards. Also a boss should be in that tower, but later to the boss.

All 3 bases are connected with a npc's, that can port you from base to base. So you will never get stuck at one base and get camped.

To make this area interesting for PvE-Players also, there should be several quests. First some basic quests like killing wolfs and rams or "kill 10 players". Now to the bosses in the two small bases. They should be the goal of a daily quest. Killing them will reward 4 badges of justice. The other quests give fragments of justice.

Also Bali and the horde guy (don't remember his name) should be like bosses. Drob BT loot, and a badge of justice, just something that's slightly better than the stuff you can buy in the mall to make him interesting to PvE Players.

I've got ton's of other ideas for quests, but that would be the first ones.

This area would be interesting for both PvP and PvE Player. The people who would like some open PvP can get it there while they do quests. So people farming rep in quel'danas won't get ganked.

This is just the first view of this area. I think it would improve the pvp on this server a lot.

Oh yeah, maybe some battlemasters in the main bases so you can do some open pvp while you wait for que?

If you guys would really like to make this area, it would be awesome. Maybe PM me for more ideas, all things in this area are balanced, though. ;)
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Re: Open PvP Alterac

Post by Mynce »

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Re: Open PvP Alterac

Post by Erlim »

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Re: Open PvP Alterac

Post by Miathos1993 »

The idea is pretty good, but i would have used the old azshara bg as the area. It's quiet big.
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Re: Open PvP Alterac

Post by Henhouse »

This was probably possible on that server because AV has no programming, which it does here. I don't feel like destroying a BG just so it can be an open-kill zone. I'd very much prefer to keep it a battleground.
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Re: Open PvP Alterac

Post by Miathos1993 »

Henhouse wrote:This was probably possible on that server because AV has no programming, which it does here. I don't feel like destroying a BG just so it can be an open-kill zone. I'd very much prefer to keep it a battleground.
What about the Azshara-BG? It's not in use and freaking huge. Could use the same ideas an that one.
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Re: Open PvP Alterac

Post by Deems »

Miathos1993 wrote:freaking huge.
Theres your problem. Its too big.
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Re: Open PvP Alterac

Post by Henhouse »

Deems wrote:
Miathos1993 wrote:freaking huge.
Theres your problem. Its too big.

In ancient times when we were picking the place for a world PvP zone (which became Hyjal) Azshara Crater was one being considered. It was just too freaking huge...

However, it would be pretty awesome because I remember running around there once literally thinking of daily quests I could write up. No lie, it would be pretty awesome.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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Re: Open PvP Alterac

Post by Miathos1993 »

Henhouse wrote:
Deems wrote:
Miathos1993 wrote:freaking huge.
Theres your problem. Its too big.

In ancient times when we were picking the place for a world PvP zone (which became Hyjal) Azshara Crater was one being considered. It was just too freaking huge...

However, it would be pretty awesome because I remember running around there once literally thinking of daily quests I could write up. No lie, it would be pretty awesome.
Meh, too bad. Maybe when we have more players :/
Posts: 41

Re: Open PvP Alterac

Post by Sandero »

I think I was on the same server :)
It was just awesome, actually I think it was the greatest idea Ive seen for a tbc server
the battles there were never ending, there were always fights with about 60-90 people :)

well I think its a good idea, since 50% of the poeple on this server dont like to do AV as a BG beside WSG, AB and EOTS and want to remove it from the BGs.

ps: I just logged on the forums now because I wanted to make the same suggestion XD
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