Second Floating donor mount & somewhere to chill suggestion

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Second Floating donor mount & somewhere to chill suggestion

Post by Xaru »

-Could you add some chairs/benches in the BG area for people to sit/talk to one another?

-Could you add a second floating donor mount like the dragon but only with a smaller model like a broom or a horse? The dragon is nice but it's too big to ride around on all the time. :(

Thanks. :D
Last edited by Xaru on 07 Sep 2011, 03:53, edited 2 times in total.
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
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Re: Some suggestions

Post by Roflpwned »

A broom would be awesome! and yeah some benches, maybe a couple of bonfires if possible would be cool. Agree with Xaru.
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Re: Some suggestions

Post by Mynce »

hmm how about floating mounts based on the race ?
lets say

UD - horse
Human - broom

and benches and fireplaces are awesome i found 1 spot but its way off the map :/
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Re: Some suggestions

Post by Cube »

Mynce wrote:UD - horse
Human - broom
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Re: Second Floating donor mount & somewhere to chill suggestion

Post by Aegrotatio »

God, the donor mounts are completely obnoxious. I'm a donor, I have them, but I don't use them. People who use those massive mounts are the same kind of douchebaggery of tauren with kodo's who stand on the vendors. I want to find them IRL and hit them in the lip.
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Re: Second Floating donor mount & somewhere to chill suggestion

Post by Xaru »

Aegrotatio wrote:God, the donor mounts are completely obnoxious. I'm a donor, I have them, but I don't use them. People who use those massive mounts are the same kind of douchebaggery of tauren with kodo's who stand on the vendors. I want to find them IRL and hit them in the lip.
That's what I was thinking, although the donor dragon is completely awesome and I love flying around on it it's just too big to ride around in Tanaris or in BG's on it (except at the start of EOTS and in AB). if it was a smaller model I would ride around in it all the time!

I was thinking maybe the brooms from halloween or the rocket flying mount or something smaller but also awesome would be suitable. But basically anything smaller would be awesome. I hope more people support this idea. :D
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
Posts: 230

Re: Second Floating donor mount & somewhere to chill suggestion

Post by Aegrotatio »

Yeah, the dragon itself is pretty awesome

"You're a pro, or you're a noob, that's life" -Athene
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Re: Second Floating donor mount & somewhere to chill suggestion

Post by Erlim »

Yea i think i agree with Xaru about the broom or something because the DNT test mount is just weird and the dragon is cool but bit smaller..
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Re: Second Floating donor mount & somewhere to chill suggestion

Post by Sandero »

and another /vote for this great idea! xD
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Re: Second Floating donor mount & somewhere to chill suggestion

Post by Lolzeroxl »

i agree with chill place and some normal mounts with 3 sec casting time for summon,for me instant mounts like broom sux,and its OP in BGs
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