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The honorable kills need for each title are as follows. Once you reach a new rank, you are automatically granted that title and auto-replaced and removing the previous one.
I currently have 19713 kills :P so I have a idea here :>
Add more titels perhaps custom ones :) like "The Insane" or "The Ancient" for 50.000 kills or "The No-Lifer" for 100.000 kills or something then I have something to do :) when my arena partner isn't online...
Yeah it is a shame. It's 100% not possible unless everyone used a sophisticated client editing program to add them, and everyone would have to add them since they display and load client-side.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Yeah, definitely a shame. Would be awesome to have some fun things like that, but like Henry said.. Not possible unless blah blah which is not going to happen if we're realistic.
That would be a major hassle, because you can't whisper players with a spaced name without a certain command, at least, that's how it was on trinity core. Custom names just dont register right, you probably wouldn't even be able to register for a guild/arena team.
Imperium wrote:That would be a major hassle, because you can't whisper players with a spaced name without a certain command, at least, that's how it was on trinity core. Custom names just dont register right, you probably wouldn't even be able to register for a guild/arena team.
That's client related. You won't be able to whisper anyone with a name in all caps, a name with a second capital letter that's not the first letter, names with spaces and numbers.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development