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World PvP

Posted: 08 Sep 2010, 02:17
by Magiccan

World PvP is dead here. I mean its off and i dont understand why. World PvP is the most fun part of the game, and here the playerbase is enough for good fights.

I really miss the fights on quel danas, the xv1 situations, killing pve geared players while they are waiting for an instance, going out to elemental plateu and trying to kill 3 people by my own and stuff...

I think it would be awsome if world pvp would be a thing in this server. I know there is Hyjal, but admit it, its all about ganking, and 10v1 fights. Real world pvp should be like, you go by your own and kill players from the other faction.

If world pvp would be enabled, players still dont go outside just because of world pvp. Yeah its a probelm, but i was thinkin about the solution. What about if every 65+ mob had a 25-30% chance to drop
Badge Of Justice? And then you could turn on 250 badge to x amount of arena points. RATING STLL NEEDED, so it wont kill arena.

Then, what about a quest which has boj as reward, and it could be complited if you kill x enemy player. This quest wont work if you are in a raid, so at bg-s you cant complete it, only by world pvping.

Why am I think its a good solution for this problem? Because it wont effect arena, cause rating still needed for stuffs. It wont effect BG-s, because you cant farm that much honor by world pvping.
And a new way opens for pvpers to have fun. And I think im not the only one, who realy likes world pvp. It could increase player base too if the oldschool world pvp likers will hear abput the server, they gonna try it I'm sure.

So, what do you think?

Re: World PvP

Posted: 08 Sep 2010, 03:29
by Henhouse
Well the server is constantly expanding and we are soon probably going to open the new central mall in Shattrath and as well implement daily quests for capturing the PvP zone towers and stuff around Outland (which we have working) and see how that helps. We *might* bring back Quel'Danas PvP but people tend to just make it the "new Hyjal" when we put restrictions on Hyjal.

But I do agree, as long as we have a healthy balance of battlegrounds and world PvP it would be great to see.

Re: World PvP

Posted: 08 Sep 2010, 18:01
by Suchareq
I don't like outland, better will be if world pvp, will be on azeroth :(

Re: World PvP

Posted: 08 Sep 2010, 21:26
by Magiccan
Henhouse wrote:Well the server is constantly expanding and we are soon probably going to open the new central mall in Shattrath and as well implement daily quests for capturing the PvP zone towers and stuff around Outland (which we have working) and see how that helps. We *might* bring back Quel'Danas PvP but people tend to just make it the "new Hyjal" when we put restrictions on Hyjal.

But I do agree, as long as we have a healthy balance of battlegrounds and world PvP it would be great to see.
This would be really awsome! \o/

Re: World PvP

Posted: 08 Sep 2010, 22:24
by Endania
Has to be somewhere in Azeroth though... World pvp + flying mounts? Not gonna happen.

Re: World PvP

Posted: 27 Sep 2010, 13:58
by Redsonia
Endania wrote:Has to be somewhere in Azeroth though... World pvp + flying mounts? Not gonna happen.

Re: World PvP

Posted: 01 Nov 2010, 14:10
by Johnny
Hmm Could need World PvP / Duel area like
Dire maul = Duel zone Cross faction
Gurubashi Normal World PvP Arena
Nagrand Arena
Thats the most normal but theyre the best so

Re: World PvP

Posted: 05 Nov 2010, 14:59
by Celldwellerx
Endania wrote:Has to be somewhere in Azeroth though... World pvp + flying mounts? Not gonna happen.
the good old days of tarren mill vs southshore ;)

Re: World PvP

Posted: 23 Nov 2010, 10:12
by Dplanet
Johnny wrote:Hmm Could need World PvP / Duel area like
Dire maul = Duel zone Cross faction
Gurubashi Normal World PvP Arena
Nagrand Arena
Thats the most normal but theyre the best so

no grubashi is so stupid.... they just gank there you dont have the room to play 1vx

quel'danas with some quests would be awesome 'cause there is enough room to do it
or a also great place would be a open alterac valley, just a portal to get in it and you could search there for enemy players to find some good 1v2 fights and things like that =D

Re: World PvP

Posted: 23 Nov 2010, 10:13
by Dplanet
Celldwellerx wrote:
Endania wrote:Has to be somewhere in Azeroth though... World pvp + flying mounts? Not gonna happen.
the good old days of tarren mill vs southshore ;)
oh yea that was so awesome *_*