Pre BC Realm

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Pre BC Realm

Post by Cloudd »

I'd like a Pre BC Realm you start with T2 And BWL Weps etc. And you level to 70 like before because i think a realm like that would be more fun in my opinion Please!
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Re: Pre BC Realm

Post by Mysterious »

No if anything make a realm pre-bc and make it instant 60 with a mall and arena's that would be fun :)
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Re: Pre BC Realm

Post by Wutzke »

That would be awsome id really enjoy that. But with what we have to work with its just not possible :(
But post a podcast question about it plz im sure hen and riski would love to answer it.
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Re: Pre BC Realm

Post by Henhouse »

We did it once, with level 70. It's a very hard thing to do, it's not like Smolderforge will be a part of it. We have to have a whole new realm, whole new internet, etc. We have a NEW server planned for SOMETHING which we will not announce until the podcast. Some people I think already know, but shhhh!

However something like this in the future MAYBE is possible, however unlikely. Especially not now, not with Patch 3.0.1. Because I have to wait on everything to update, a NEW database, move all MY stuff over to that database, test it all out, etc, etc, etc. It'll take a very long time.

Oh by the way, a PRE-BC realm means there is NO BC. You only can be level 60, access only level 60 stuff.
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Re: Pre BC Realm

Post by Henhouse »

Wutzke wrote:That would be awsome id really enjoy that. But with what we have to work with its just not possible :(
But post a podcast question about it plz im sure hen and riski would love to answer it.
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Re: Pre BC Realm

Post by Wutzke »

Well PvP because back in the pre bc dayes there was no resil and a guy could crit for whatere he wanted nuthing in his way and now with the burning crusade You have a f;ing limit to what u cant do lolz. And thats why it would sick to have a pre bc arena realm.
Being a Black Hat never felt so good!
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Re: Pre BC Realm

Post by t0sKY »

I think its not about how high u can crit.. It for lowbies that are so happy from every crit, right?

Pre-tbc was more senseful, more exciting & more ballanced than any BC ever released -.-

To me I add one more try to try, insta 60 + d1, access to WSG / AB / maybe AV (I bet u can do that, Hen, u rock :P), ppl have to farm eq in PvE or go PvP & get PvP eq.
Swiftness - The Night Elf Warrior 33/25/3 Sword Spec or 0/20/41 Prot PvP
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Re: Pre BC Realm

Post by Henhouse »

We are currently pondering this idea, it's possible it may be implemented in the future but we are not sure at this time.

The problem with it, is the fact you have to direct traffic there to somehow (if it's in the realm list people will go to Smolderforge since it's the default). If it's a separate realm, new forums, no association with Smolderforge, etc, etc. So it's a very hard process. If it was a Pre-BC realm it would have to be RP, or RPPVP reason being when your "selecting" a server it's default is on "Normal" if they want to be on Smolderforge, they get placed on the Pre-BC realm for being a Normal realm.

Now not to mention the forums, these are Smolderforge forums... The GMs are from Smolderforge, etc, etc. It's just really hard to do.
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Re: Pre BC Realm

Post by t0sKY »

Gotta say as always, Ure right ^^

Anyway, keep it real (if saw Ali G - the mother<cenzured> idiot)
Swiftness - The Night Elf Warrior 33/25/3 Sword Spec or 0/20/41 Prot PvP
Arena Team: Not having any atm
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Equip: 4/5 s3 & 4/8 t6..

"Being unpredictable is the best tactic in PvP."
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Re: Pre BC Realm

Post by Dieselrat »

t0sKY wrote: Pre-tbc was more senseful, more exciting & more ballanced than any BC ever released -.-
Did u ever play back then ? I've played for 4½ years now and I can tell u this, balanced ? Kinda wasn't :D
Shamans 1 hitting things to left and right, mages pom pyro this and that, lock 10k shadowbolt crits :). Pvp was about who got the first 'hit' imo back then :)!

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