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Items and badges rewards.

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 00:34
by Waloower
Hello there,
i have those 2 ideas.
One is for improving the donation income.
And the other is arena improvment.

I would like to suggest you add in the sunwell vendors the Warglaives of illidans.
They will have to cost like a big amount of badges.
That will make ppl to donate rogue :)

And what about if you implemend a quest in the arena guy which you will turn in for badges.
How it will work.
In rated matches when you win you will get 2 badges of eye of the storm lets say and when you loose nothing.
That will make ppl play arena more and form better setups and not just druid-warrior which we meet all the time.

What do you think ???
I am awa8ing feedback xD

Waloower !

Re: Items and badges rewards.

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 03:19
by Henhouse

if you search around on the forums you'll find that this suggestion has been submitted and answered several times. The reason we do not allow Season 4 or Warglaives is because people start heavily/massively exploiting and hacking to get the items as fast as possible.

A long time ago we added Warglaives for 60 Badges and within that week there was more WSG speedhacking than there ever has been, arena win-trading, etc, etc. Therefore they are not going to be accessible normally. Secondly, Warglaives were removed because they are an extremely powerful item which makes Rogue's become the biggest and most overpowered class on Smolderforge, very, very quickly.

Not to mention we have said in the past if we do let Warglaives be purchasable, they will come at a very large, real money, expense, like $60 per glaive because we don't want many people to have them. But like I said, I don't know if we're ever going to sell them or not.

Re: Items and badges rewards.

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 05:10
by Avronax
Rogue's become the biggest and most overpowered class on Smolderforge, very, very quickly
Soo not true.

Re: Items and badges rewards.

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 06:07
by Henhouse
Avronax wrote:
Rogue's become the biggest and most overpowered class on Smolderforge, very, very quickly
Soo not true.
Oh really? I think Endania and I both now that when we opened the Temp server when Smolderforge was dedicated, 75% of the players were Rogues with Warglaives, I see it on any server.

Re: Items and badges rewards.

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 11:42
by Endania
4p s4 / 4p t6 warglaive rogue is the definition of 'overpowered'. If you didn't know that, you got much to learn about the game.

You both play rogues so you want them. =P

Re: Items and badges rewards.

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 12:48
by Waloower
Oh i see.

But then you really need to do something to motivate ppl to participate in arena contest.

But anyway.
Thanks for reading :)

Re: Items and badges rewards.

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 22:39
by Avronax
I'm sick of warrior druid being r1.
Endania wrote:
You both play rogues so you want them. =P
Neither of you do arena.

Re: Items and badges rewards.

Posted: 21 Jan 2010, 16:40
by Espenbv
Reward from exclusive pvp events?

Take the highest rated players ( top 5 or so ) in every bracket and some kind of pvp event? That should award Glaives, not to buy them from a vendor. My opinion tho.