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Offhand vendor
Posted: 04 Oct 2009, 02:08
by Cookie
There should be a vendor that sells various offhands!
Re: Offhand vendor
Posted: 04 Oct 2009, 02:25
by Imperium
Rogues are fine L2P.
You have off-hands, but you're a rogue. grab a slow mh and fast oh, doesn't matter if they aren't specified Off-hand.
Kinda pointless to add a vendor that just sells offhands, seeing as you have access to a lot of slow and fast weapon already.
EDIT: Also if you're talking about caster off-hands, they have those too.
Re: Offhand vendor
Posted: 04 Oct 2009, 02:35
by Cookie
I was talking about caster off-hands, and I just thought that a off-hand vendor would be sweet. Those S2 off-hands aren't that good for some classes/specs. And since we got a wand vendor I think we should get a off-hand vendor aswell.
Re: Offhand vendor
Posted: 04 Oct 2009, 02:43
by Imperium
Well, it's been a while since I've been on the realm but I'm pretty sure there's an Offhand vendor, could be labled as Misc or something, also there's a badge vendor in Shattrath you can buy caster off-hands from, that's where I got my totem.