To whom it may concern; I played this server for more than 3 years; I have seen this server good days and bad days; but considering the none balanced; double que alts bg; I think I will just pass; unless you GM’s do care for the community and have some fix or restriction to the double faction bg ques.
I thank you for this experience you provided for us and look forward to some sustainable fix to this.
4 vs 7? Common; we can do better than that. There is no honor in this.
I thought we had some rules regarding this; or regard graveyard farming, but without someone to enforce the rules it is pretty much chaos; as it is.
So; I have these suggestions below :
1. Find someone suitable for the job; if you are alone and no one helping you with the GM; let's say app GM; limited power, but enough to enforce the law. you may already notice, the horde is just OP for several months now ; (Yes we are all in quarantine and it may be the result of that ) if it is not balanced the PVP experience is just complete bullshit. So you may provide double honor /experience/rep or whatever just to balance it.
This way you are shooting two targets with one arrow: first is the hordes don't need to wait in que for a long time and second is the PVP experience is boosted for the ally.
3. The fixes: as far as I know; a gm can check the IPs all the time and it is obvious who ques or whatnot; so it is possible to track the double que players which they are breaking a rule by just getting there in the bg; which ofc by the (2) would get less and less since ally would prevail but the fact is fixing it is just essential.
Thank you for your time and patient in reading this.
Well known bugs and how to fix them
Re: Well known bugs and how to fix them
So, now that I was viewing the BG's for a couple of weeks, The X-Faction BGs are a very bold helpful idea! Why don't you give it a try like other Private servers? The population is at crisis.
DO SOMETHING. Even if it is just a reply, so we know u are alive.
DO SOMETHING. Even if it is just a reply, so we know u are alive.
Re: Well known bugs and how to fix them
Horde being populated is very true.. Therefore we activated the free transfers from Horde to Alliance. It's only been up for a day so far and it's slowly turning into a more stabilize state. We are also spectating alot of Battlegrounds now adays. Henhouse gave a pretty good explanation why Crossfaction was a issue when it was tested before on the Discord.
Community Manager - Game Master
Re: Well known bugs and how to fix them
Thank you , seeing your comment is a light in a dark path... <3Slitter wrote:Horde being populated is very true.. Therefore we activated the free transfers from Horde to Alliance. It's only been up for a day so far and it's slowly turning into a more stabilize state. We are also spectating alot of Battlegrounds now adays. Henhouse gave a pretty good explanation why Crossfaction was a issue when it was tested before on the Discord.
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