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Mounts Model ( TEST SUGGESTION )
Posted: 25 Jun 2019, 17:57
by Falseroll
I'd suggest that if maybe some flying mounts models (i mean the 100% speed mounts & small others, EXAMPLE: "Snowy Gryphon") could be put into normal mounts.
At least for a test, it could be interesting.
What do you think guys?.
Re: Mounts Model ( TEST SUGGESTION )
Posted: 28 Jun 2019, 21:21
by Henhouse
Unfortunately that is not possible in the TBC client. I don't think Blizzard made flying mounts possible to do that until Cataclysm or something.
Re: Mounts Model ( TEST SUGGESTION )
Posted: 29 Jun 2019, 06:37
by Falseroll
Henhouse wrote:Unfortunately that is not possible in the TBC client. I don't think Blizzard made flying mounts possible to do that until Cataclysm or something.
Then ,the model isn't avaiable to make it a normal mount on TBC...
Aight !
Anyways it would be awesome to see new mounts at least on testing !.
Thanks Hen !