Dying battlegrounds

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Dying battlegrounds

Post by Hooracha »

Greetings dear Smolderforge Staff!

My concern is about the battlegrounds of smolderforge due to low population and as we can all see its headed to its bitter end, if it hasn't already.
Now the population is about 50 to maybe 80 ppl for peak (in the time I play). I think we used to have very competitive Battlegrounds when we had the players who actually were interested in battlegrounds. Now we have like +20 ppl who active que bg's. The problem is we have so much winner team joining, the battlegrounds arent even anymore. I mean people either log on ally because they are winning and faceroll bg's and queuing on the opposite site with their alts so they can get a bg running. (dont understand the point? Maybe honor kills or farming xmogs?) This phenomenom occurs on both sides of the table.
So I suggest that you change the battlegrounds into a crossfaction model. I believe this would be a solution to the alt queuing and new players would be more welcome into the battleground scene when they're not just getting facerolled in 8v5 battlegrounds. This would also remove the WTJ (winner team joining) and it would balance the BG's overall.

Sincerely with shamanistic rage
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Re: Dying battlegrounds

Post by Xios »

We've talked about Crossfaction Battlegrounds for a long time, we even started coding it, but we couldnt do it exactly as we wanted it. We wanted it to stay a normal Horde VS Alliance if there were enough from both factions, but if there wasn't enough it would change to crossfaction, but we couldnt get it to work.
Retired Game Master.
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