Transmog legendaries

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Transmog legendaries

Post by Neutrol »


I thought it'd be cool if you could also transmog legendary items (like Thori'dal). Perhaps, if you want to retain the ability for others to still identify the legendary item's original form, you could have a special function for legendaries so that you only transmog the item physically, but still when inspecting, for example, it shows the original name/stats, or something similar.
Posts: 96

Re: Transmog legendaries

Post by ludvigpasse »

agreed. this sounds like a nice suggestion. the only issue i have with it is that it would only really be usefull for thoridal xmogs unless im forgetting something because why would you want to xmog legendary 150 wep frag weapons?
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Re: Transmog legendaries

Post by Henhouse »

The transmog system resembles Blizzard's original implementation on retail, and since they do not allow it on legendary items, we felt we shouldn't either. We certainly could I suppose, I am not sure whether it's a good idea or not.

As for the display name/original stats -- the reason this is currently not the case it due to a client bug. Well, it's not really a bug, it's working as intended. The reason you cannot see the original item is due to the way the server sends information to the client (player). There is currently no way to say "hey make yourself be this item, but really be item X". So the game can only assume the form of the transmogged item when being inspected. The damage and stuff is all of the original, of course, but we'll never be able to fix the display issue. It's sadly impossible due to the way the game is made in 2.4.3. That's just a result of having a feature implemented into a game it was never built for.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Posts: 26

Re: Transmog legendaries

Post by Neutrol »

ludvigpasse wrote:agreed. this sounds like a nice suggestion. the only issue i have with it is that it would only really be usefull for thoridal xmogs unless im forgetting something because why would you want to xmog legendary 150 wep frag weapons?
Hmm yes, as far as I understand Thori'dal seems to be the only "real" legendary, at least so far. But quite a few people have it though so I think it'd be a great option for those that have it to xmog it.
Henhouse wrote:The transmog system resembles Blizzard's original implementation on retail, and since they do not allow it on legendary items, we felt we shouldn't either. We certainly could I suppose, I am not sure whether it's a good idea or not.

As for the display name/original stats -- the reason this is currently not the case it due to a client bug. Well, it's not really a bug, it's working as intended. The reason you cannot see the original item is due to the way the server sends information to the client (player). There is currently no way to say "hey make yourself be this item, but really be item X". So the game can only assume the form of the transmogged item when being inspected. The damage and stuff is all of the original, of course, but we'll never be able to fix the display issue. It's sadly impossible due to the way the game is made in 2.4.3. That's just a result of having a feature implemented into a game it was never built for.
Wouldn't something like how the fragment/arena point legendaries work work also with this? They have the original name and stats of the weapon but it physically looks like something else, basically only the model has changed (and the name's in orange, in addition to the flavor text, but meh).
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