Suggestion - Higher pop & More active players!
- Posts: 20
Re: Suggestion - Higher pop & More active players!
Hello there I got a couple of suggestions i dont really know if they are good or not but, in mind they sound sweet.. So here they are..
PS: Sorry for the bad english grammer.
There should be rewards for playing 2s skrimish this will bring more people to play skrimishes and if they find that fun maybe they have the will to actually start playing arena, this will help the arena players since there will be more players, because right now i can only really see the same players over and over again playing arena... First of all, arena is to hard for people that are new to arena, like me for example so maybe skrimishes would be a good ide for people to be able to train and learn how to play arena, and since skrimish is solo que, it would be alot easier, i know that there is 3s solo but the thing that 3s solo requires alot of team work and 2s really dont, atleast not in the same way.. 3s solo is really RNG and i dont really find it funny.. Maybe there is just a way to add a 2s solo que :D even if u can que solo in ranked that would work to i know that i would be alot of coding for the things I'm asking so i know its not easy too do. ((I KNOW SKRIMISHES ARE SOLO QUE BUT NO ONE QUES THEM BECAUSE THERE IS NO REWARD:d))
The other thing is remove AV from the rotation, i know alot of people that really hate av and its during the av hour there is alot of lag on the server.. Or to make to easier add another que so people can be able to que for example wsg or ab during the av hour.
Get a que for all the duel people where u get in a arena 1v1, and please start doing events.. I know that hen is from usa and its hard to be able to follow eu players.. Then maybe add some more gm's there is alot of choices out there atleast in my opinion, or add hosters for the events that can lead the events etc.
the last thing, this one is maybe impossible i dont know but adding cross faction bg's where if u join the ally side of the bg u become that race sort of in a since or something like that...
Thanks for reading, I hope I had some good suggestions, i really love sf i want it to go towards improvement instead of something else.
PS: Sorry for the bad english grammer.
There should be rewards for playing 2s skrimish this will bring more people to play skrimishes and if they find that fun maybe they have the will to actually start playing arena, this will help the arena players since there will be more players, because right now i can only really see the same players over and over again playing arena... First of all, arena is to hard for people that are new to arena, like me for example so maybe skrimishes would be a good ide for people to be able to train and learn how to play arena, and since skrimish is solo que, it would be alot easier, i know that there is 3s solo but the thing that 3s solo requires alot of team work and 2s really dont, atleast not in the same way.. 3s solo is really RNG and i dont really find it funny.. Maybe there is just a way to add a 2s solo que :D even if u can que solo in ranked that would work to i know that i would be alot of coding for the things I'm asking so i know its not easy too do. ((I KNOW SKRIMISHES ARE SOLO QUE BUT NO ONE QUES THEM BECAUSE THERE IS NO REWARD:d))
The other thing is remove AV from the rotation, i know alot of people that really hate av and its during the av hour there is alot of lag on the server.. Or to make to easier add another que so people can be able to que for example wsg or ab during the av hour.
Get a que for all the duel people where u get in a arena 1v1, and please start doing events.. I know that hen is from usa and its hard to be able to follow eu players.. Then maybe add some more gm's there is alot of choices out there atleast in my opinion, or add hosters for the events that can lead the events etc.
the last thing, this one is maybe impossible i dont know but adding cross faction bg's where if u join the ally side of the bg u become that race sort of in a since or something like that...
Thanks for reading, I hope I had some good suggestions, i really love sf i want it to go towards improvement instead of something else.
Re: Suggestion - Higher pop & More active players!
Do you have any suggestions for rewards then? 2v2 awards honor points (not a ton, but some) for winning. We had begun work on an experimental "strongbox" feature (like retail, CS:GO, etc.) where after winning a battle you earn boxes that can be opened and contain honor points, and various pieces of gear. We never went forward with the idea since we weren't sure how exactly it would implement well with the game, giving out loads of useless/duplicate gear, etc. But this was for BGs, not skirmish arena.
This has been suggested for years, I think we're more keen at the moment on simply reducing the amount of people needed to play it.
I don't think having a 1v1 queue would be very popular. It would be very imbalanced and unfair. We hold GM 1v1 events with prizes, spectating, etc. I think those are overall more popular, and more favored than a possible 1v1 system. @Xios is returning from holiday within the month and we'll be seeing more events coming back, and likely some new staff members rolling in soon. :)
We touched on this in another thread recently, but it's still something we're considering. We wanted a hybrid system that wasn't possible before, but we'll keep cross-faction battlegrounds on our mind.
This has been suggested for years, I think we're more keen at the moment on simply reducing the amount of people needed to play it.
I don't think having a 1v1 queue would be very popular. It would be very imbalanced and unfair. We hold GM 1v1 events with prizes, spectating, etc. I think those are overall more popular, and more favored than a possible 1v1 system. @Xios is returning from holiday within the month and we'll be seeing more events coming back, and likely some new staff members rolling in soon. :)
We touched on this in another thread recently, but it's still something we're considering. We wanted a hybrid system that wasn't possible before, but we'll keep cross-faction battlegrounds on our mind.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: Suggestion - Higher pop & More active players!
Yeah, since I've been gone for 9 weeks and wont be home until 28th of feb. There havent been any events. When I get home I will try to host as many as I can, mostly lucky pirate event & 1vs1 events.
I will also look at our applications, feel free to send us yours. For new and old players that wish to update their last application. ... quirements
Yeah, since I've been gone for 9 weeks and wont be home until 28th of feb. There havent been any events. When I get home I will try to host as many as I can, mostly lucky pirate event & 1vs1 events.
I will also look at our applications, feel free to send us yours. For new and old players that wish to update their last application. ... quirements
Retired Game Master.
- Posts: 20
Re: Suggestion - Higher pop & More active players!
Hello there thanks for the super quick answer, the strongbox sounds fucking awesome, but i realize that the coding to all this is very hard, if i i could code i would o everything in my power what sort of coding language is used in wow? Rewards for 2s skrimishes could also be something really simple like if u play 10 skimrishes in one day u achive 2 badges of justice or something.. I would play it, and if u play 20 skrimishes a day u get 5 u know something like that.
Re: Suggestion - Higher pop & More active players!
Why do you even bother with 1v1 events? Not to be rude, but the game is not at all centered around 1v1, nor was it ever intended to. Blizzard repeatedly admitted that. Why can't you do an event that doesn't involve dueling (which we're too familiar with already...) with something we are not already saturated with? 5v5 possibly? But no, you insist on glorified dueling with rules over what classes can enlist. You have that entire area Grael set up around the Dam in Loch Modan, as well as the area in Azshara Crater with the base and towers. You have far more resources than I ever had as staff, and yet you use none of it. It's really a shame.
Inb4 banhammer for having an opinion. XDDDDD
Inb4 banhammer for having an opinion. XDDDDD
Re: Suggestion - Higher pop & More active players!
True, we'll see when I get back.
Banhammer for having an opinion?
I actually made a totally new event that should have been like a mixture of the movie The Maze Runner & Harry Potter 4(the last trial before he gets teleportet to voldermort. I made this big maze, and you were going to get spawned somewhere random in it, like 5-15 players. There would be 4(hard) & 6(easy) ogres that you guys should kill before an orb spawned, and when touching the orb you would get teleported to a new maze, and there you were going to fight to the death, and the last one standing would get rewarded.
Hard ogres(elites), would like shoot fire bolts and summon skeletons and stuff.
Easy ogres(rare) would just hit you.
Maybe when I get back I will finish it, if anyone are interested.
Banhammer for having an opinion?
I actually made a totally new event that should have been like a mixture of the movie The Maze Runner & Harry Potter 4(the last trial before he gets teleportet to voldermort. I made this big maze, and you were going to get spawned somewhere random in it, like 5-15 players. There would be 4(hard) & 6(easy) ogres that you guys should kill before an orb spawned, and when touching the orb you would get teleported to a new maze, and there you were going to fight to the death, and the last one standing would get rewarded.
Hard ogres(elites), would like shoot fire bolts and summon skeletons and stuff.
Easy ogres(rare) would just hit you.
Maybe when I get back I will finish it, if anyone are interested.
Retired Game Master.
Re: Suggestion - Higher pop & More active players!
Not bad. A mix of PvE and PvP. I like the idea of the mob spawning more mobs. Possibly crypt spiders for the silencing web spray? Just a thought to make it interesting. But I like the general idea of it. Also if you're using a maze for a pvp area, that gives casters more of a chance with LoS possibilities. We might see a winner that isn't a rogue/feral druid, which is encouraging.
Any restrictions on class or spec?
Any restrictions on class or spec?
- Posts: 20
Re: Suggestion - Higher pop & More active players!
I see what u're saying, and i can honestly say that i dont like 1v1 and duels, but I'm for ways to maybe attract new players that like 1v1 that can also play bg's since the player base of people that wants to play 1v1 is quite big-Zap wrote:Why do you even bother with 1v1 events? Not to be rude, but the game is not at all centered around 1v1, nor was it ever intended to. Blizzard repeatedly admitted that. Why can't you do an event that doesn't involve dueling (which we're too familiar with already...) with something we are not already saturated with? 5v5 possibly? But no, you insist on glorified dueling with rules over what classes can enlist. You have that entire area Grael set up around the Dam in Loch Modan, as well as the area in Azshara Crater with the base and towers. You have far more resources than I ever had as staff, and yet you use none of it. It's really a shame.
Inb4 banhammer for having an opinion. XDDDDD
Re: Suggestion - Higher pop & More active players!
It took like a looong time to even build the maze, so I havent thought about balancing classes yet. I only had the time to look at a few mobs before I left.
And there's a tiny problem about making a free for all zone, which I have to solve before I can start doing anything else really.
I mostly do it because it's fun to watch, and some do it for rewards & to show everyone that they are the baws.
I might do some without restrictions, though I have a feeling that there will be even more people playing rogue if I do. Maybe add speed buff in the arena(in the middle) just to make it a bit more interesting, and to give casters a better chance to run away(warlocks mostly), though it would be insane for mages(since they already have blink). It's just hard to make something fun because adding buffs and objects will be good for some classes and bad for others.
It took like a looong time to even build the maze, so I havent thought about balancing classes yet. I only had the time to look at a few mobs before I left.
And there's a tiny problem about making a free for all zone, which I have to solve before I can start doing anything else really.
I mostly do it because it's fun to watch, and some do it for rewards & to show everyone that they are the baws.
I might do some without restrictions, though I have a feeling that there will be even more people playing rogue if I do. Maybe add speed buff in the arena(in the middle) just to make it a bit more interesting, and to give casters a better chance to run away(warlocks mostly), though it would be insane for mages(since they already have blink). It's just hard to make something fun because adding buffs and objects will be good for some classes and bad for others.
Retired Game Master.
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