Firstaidkit vs Ezatt?

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Re: Firstaidkit vs Ezatt?

Post by Wonderwoman »

any news on swpgear/consumables?

i started playin again 4days ago and im already getting tired of it..

some1 thought about deleting the T6-vendor and make t6 available in SC instead of swp loot ?
Idk if there is a deal with the pve players but since EC is kinda inactive there wont be that many suferers

n to donationgear..
i mean.. its ok to say thanks to people supporting the server, but im not sure if these rewards should make players ruling/ruining bgs by klicking 1 button..

ofc there will be ppl complaining about it but at the end of the day they are not purchasing gear (thats even illegal i think(?));
they get a thankyou for keeping the server alive by donating money.. thats what it is and full Season4 Gear, mounts, pets(..) should be enough "reward" for something, people usually get nothing for.

right now bgs are like "if i can smash my 1button harder than my opponent i will win this bg" and as a result of that ppl lack in gameplay like they lost half their brains in carcrashes.
ofc with any other gearsetup u can find these players too but atm we are maximising the amount of them

S2vS4 is hard but S2vSWP is just not bearable (for most of the players) and makes bgs boring either way

sry if i review a "closed" discussion and idk if there is a special topic for this or w/e but as i said before i did some other rl-things and now, after my break i finally got the balls to write smth :p
Posts: 2551

Re: Firstaidkit vs Ezatt?

Post by Cube »

Don't think the discussion is really "closed", it just died. People aren't seeing anything being done to change anything about the current situation, so my bet is that the people who want change just gave up on that it's ever going to happen in any form at all, ever.

Wouldn't hold my breath dude.
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
Posts: 276

Re: Firstaidkit vs Ezatt?

Post by Falseroll »

farm 'n stuff.
yo guys false is pack
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