removing free action/ free living potions.

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Re: removing free action/ free living potions.

Post by Deems »

Firstaidkit wrote:And let's say a warrior used it vs. you in bg then just go back to him pop one of those FAP's yourself and nuke the shit out of him
You realize that you're making yourself look more and more retarded with every post you make?
Firstaidkit wrote:Flask of Petrification got removed because people were abusing it
Petrification wasn't removed because people were "abusing" it, but because the staff decided it was stupid you could turn immortal for quite some time (1 minute per flask, same cooldown as its duration, so you could drink as many as you wanted in a row). It was like that on retail too so... Just deal with it? Oh wa-

Just as retarded as someone being completely immune to all forms of stuns and snares for 30 seconds, on a 2minute cooldown. I'd rather have FoPetrifications back than having everyone and their mother using free action pots in BGs.
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Re: removing free action/ free living potions.

Post by Amgseret »

Hardlight wrote:YES it is an item that is in retail, but we have removed items before. Great examples are flasks of petrification, warglaives, and previously numerous SWP weopons......and yet you've never debated upon those :P
Fucking lol´d

Made me remember some qq abotu hand of deceiver...aww

So why are you against farming mats like people did on retail again mr ? That would limit the number of users to the people who care enough to spend their time for farming and reward them, while improving the bg experience for the rest, win - win ?
Blue wrote:Yo Seret, can you untie Mayor?
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Re: removing free action/ free living potions.

Post by Hardlight »

requesting poll please.
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Re: removing free action/ free living potions.

Post by Firstaidkit »

Deems wrote:
Firstaidkit wrote:And let's say a warrior used it vs. you in bg then just go back to him pop one of those FAP's yourself and nuke the shit out of him
You realize that you're making yourself look more and more retarded with every post you make?
Your post was just as retarded as mine, just sayin'.
Deems wrote:
Firstaidkit wrote:Flask of Petrification got removed because people were abusing it
Petrification wasn't removed because people were "abusing" it, but because the staff decided it was stupid you could turn immortal for quite some time (1 minute per flask, same cooldown as its duration, so you could drink as many as you wanted in a row). It was like that on retail too so... Just deal with it? Oh wa-

Just as retarded as someone being completely immune to all forms of stuns and snares for 30 seconds, on a 2minute cooldown. I'd rather have FoPetrifications back than having everyone and their mother using free action pots in BGs.
Like I said that happened way before my time so if you expect me to know that shit is retarded. And if they are using it every min how can that not be abusing? Stay to the fuckin topic for once instead of going on off-topic shit everytime.

Make a poll if you guys are all so fucking desperate and don't got skill at all.

[sarcasm]Oh and let's remove all of the items and go play naked that's most fair![/sarcasm]
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Re: removing free action/ free living potions.

Post by Deems »

Firstaidkit wrote:And if they are using it every min how can that not be abusing? Stay to the fuckin topic for once instead of going on off-topic shit everytime.
Following your logic, if using it every minute is abusing then using FAP on cooldown is abusing too.

On RETAIL (have you ever been on it?), flask of petrification had a ONE MINUTE COOLDOWN with a ONE MINUTE DURATION. You could chain drink them on Smolderforge, just like you could in retail.

"Then why were they removed if they were working as intended?" Because they were retarded. So are FAPs, and should be removed.
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Re: removing free action/ free living potions.

Post by Whizz »

Someone has to pop FAP because shit at the game :|
Posts: 1360

Re: removing free action/ free living potions.

Post by Mynce »



Look the problem is clear and u can talk all u want about the problem itself.
i rather want to look for a Decent solution instead of going "LOL REMOVE IT TOO OP"

Put an Honor tag or BoJ tag to it or make Materials Drop in MGT so players wil have to run that instance.
and in the meantime help newcoming players getting reputation.
thats my opinion about it .
it doesnt have to be removed , just make it harder to obtain for players .
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Re: removing free action/ free living potions.

Post by Cube »

Honor and Boj's won't solve the problem since most players are capped and doesn't have anything else to spend it on. And why make the mats drop in MGT when you can just make the mats drop where they should, out in the world. Would rather see people out in the open than in a damn instance. May even get a slight bit of world pvp going.

And that picture applies more to you posting it than it does to the actual discussion.
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
Posts: 1360

Re: removing free action/ free living potions.

Post by Mynce »

Mynce wrote: thats my opinion about it .
ive just been suggestin solutions just like u.
the picture was more ment for this whole thing going of topic AGAIN.
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Re: removing free action/ free living potions.

Post by Cube »

Mynce wrote:ive just been suggestin solutions just like u.
Did I say anything about you being wrong? I just pointed out the flaws (from my pov) in your suggestions.
Mynce wrote:the picture was more ment for this whole thing going of topic AGAIN.
This "whole thing" is not off-topic. We're discussing what to do with action pots and alchemy/engineering mats.
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
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