sms donation
Re: sms donation
lol and wat is wrong with that macro?did i scam someone?did i hurt someone or wat?,u better start banning ppl couse of mom/sister swearing,actualy any kind of swearing,banning ppl couse of that kind of macros,wat is made for funn rly doesnt have any point
Lolzero and Aristarch were my heros ,they got scammed long time aggo,so some retards play at them now.
Re: sms donation
What's wrong is it is failed-attempted impersonation of higher authority. Which you are not. Your suspension was short -- only 24 hours. Based on the severity of your messages determines your suspension or ban. In this case, you did not scam anyone though you were jokingly-attempting to instruct or forge instructions.Lolzeroxl wrote:lol and wat is wrong with that macro?did i scam someone?did i hurt someone or wat?,u better start banning ppl couse of mom/sister swearing,actualy any kind of swearing,banning ppl couse of that kind of macros,wat is made for funn rly doesnt have any point
It's the rules, and you broke them it's as simple as that. You agreed to them upon creating an account so there's no need to argue against them. Your suspension expired days ago, get over it and move on.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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