Rogue: Poison Duration

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Re: Rogue: Poison Duration

Post by Bucovsky »

Ofc all reagent requirements could be removed, that would be much easier for everyone, but it is like with all the new expansions in WoW. Making everything easier, putting less effort in the game. If I wanted all that I would play wotlk or cata, not tbc. Actually I just wanted to see your reaction if I mention about making oils and other consumables last longer than now and see how far could it go before someone disagrees about easing the gameplay. That is just my opinion and answer.

And Mayore, I think offhand or main hand glaive can be allowed, just separated so there is no haste proc.
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Re: Rogue: Poison Duration

Post by Osiriis »

go offhand glaive
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Re: Rogue: Poison Duration

Post by Bucovsky »

Osiriis wrote:go offhand glaive
thats the spirit
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Re: Rogue: Poison Duration

Post by Cube »

Bucovsky wrote:Ofc all reagent requirements could be removed, that would be much easier for everyone, but it is like with all the new expansions in WoW. Making everything easier, putting less effort in the game. If I wanted all that I would play wotlk or cata, not tbc. Actually I just wanted to see your reaction if I mention about making oils and other consumables last longer than now and see how far could it go before someone disagrees about easing the gameplay. That is just my opinion and answer.
Don't know if I consider reapplying poisons every ~50m any effort. And I definitely don't consider it related to gameplay whatsoever. And I most definitely don't get how you do?

Making things more convenient without disrupting any gameplay isn't making the game easier, it's making it more convenient. If we played retail 2.4.3, poison uptime would be just as hard to keep as it is here today. Go to the poison merchant, buy poisons, apply poisons, repeat. The only difference being that you had to brew it a few times, which you don't have to do around here. Does this mean that the rogue back then was harder to play than it is today? No. It's just more convenient.
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Re: Rogue: Poison Duration

Post by Blue »

well since you want poisons to last longer, and its a "class ability". why not make wf and other shaman weapon enchants last for a day or so? seems only fair?
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Re: Rogue: Poison Duration

Post by Imperium »

buff deathknights
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Re: Rogue: Poison Duration

Post by Cube »

Blue wrote:well since you want poisons to last longer, and its a "class ability". why not make wf and other shaman weapon enchants last for a day or so? seems only fair?
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Re: Rogue: Poison Duration

Post by Mayore »

Imperium wrote:buff deathknights
my boy <3
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Re: Rogue: Poison Duration

Post by Robotking »

well if you want poison duration buffed to 24hrs then u have to make it for other classes too. ice armor for 24h, mark of the wild, pala buffs etc...
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Re: Rogue: Poison Duration

Post by Dntryme »

Robotking wrote:well if you want poison duration buffed to 24hrs then u have to make it for other classes too. ice armor for 24h, mark of the wild, pala buffs etc...
Poisons aren't buffs, they are weapon enhancements. There is a big difference between buffs and enhancements.
If you die, the poisons will stay - so there's no reason to make buffs last for 24h or more. Buffs are instant spells, poisons need to be added.

I see no problem adding it.
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