NOOB GET AT HIS LEVEL 200K HKSZapcraclepop wrote:You do realize, that you yourself derailed the thread with your spewing of venom at people who don't share your way of thinking. Now, I'm not choosing sides here Fak, but try to acknowledge that not everyone shares your point of view. An open mind is a good thing.Firstaidkit wrote:Childeren, childeren it's way past bedtime stop derailing the thread or just don't post at all if you got nothing informative to say about this matter. If you're just another immature kid like Robotking or Nii don't even reply here because you seem like at least 12 year old if you say horde never won av or spam this thread with caps about irrelevant stuff. And if you actually check the section, this thread is posted in suggestions. So it's a suggestion to change the rotations. I know it's hard to read..Abwyz wrote:Rofl thread, changing BG rotation because single person wants it.
Also I wasn't the only one that would like to see them change.
I myself don't mind AV twice a day. It's one of my favorites, and while playing it as horde most times makes for a great headache; it still remains a classic in my book. I just wish the mobs didn't have what seems to be 30% of their intended stats.