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Henhouse wrote:@Cube I'm waiting until we get good enough use of this month's rent on the server before I look into buying a new one. I hope to fix the lag soon on TBC. I mean it's not horrendous, it's just... become very inconvenient and I don't know where it came from. Darkgroom was working on some performance stuff and then just..... disappeared? Not sure where he went. Wrath is a decent work in progress, but TrinityCore has an insane bug right now that is severely hindering my progress. You can read about the issue here. I can say that ICC works like 95%, for that I'm extremely excited about. I have gone on around ~3 top Wrath servers at the moment and they're all horrible. Funservers that is. I had trouble connecting to them for a while, most accounts didn't even work for a while but they all have terrible designs and cookie-cutter vendors and in lines. So I think we have a good shot at possibly working our way up to the top.
I'm not talking about server lag, I'm talking about freeze-lag. Most likely because of the cpu problem (whatever it is you call it). It's really screwing me over, and I've tried all the different solutions you've come up with, but nothing seems to work. The server lag itself can be annoying, yes. But not to the extent that I couldn't play. The freeze-lag I get is pretty damn frustrating since it pops up at the very least 3-4 times every BG.
I've played around on some Wrath servers though, and everything works smooth there. And I've also come to the conclusion that TBC had way more of a nostalgic value than a game-experience value than I thought. So as said, I'm looking forward to the release. =)
I would really love to see some kind of old world open pvp going on here, but i don't think there is a need to "create" the pvp experience, just have a reason for people to go to old world zones and the pvp will form itself.
My idea is to have a limited supply and rare stuff vendor spawning somewhere in an old world zone. Here's how i see it.
Let's say there are 5(or more) possible vendor spawning points in a zone. Each hour, the vendor will change it's location to one of these spawning points(chosen by rng), so, if people want to reach this vendor they would have to search for it. After a while the locations would become well known, but still, we wouldn't know where exactly the vendor spawns. I don't really know how hard it is to implement something like this from the technical standpoint, but it can't be harder than making quests or material spawns.
The vendor could sell some rare stuff for badges or honor, like the old 100% speed mounts, costumes etc, something that would make it worth for donors to visit them aswell. They could sell limited supply materials or recipes. I hope you get the idea.
It's an interesting idea, but don't you honestly think there will be minimum 2 to 3 rogues waiting there at any point to gank a clothie as soon as he targets the vendor? We'd be taking out the time to find it & get there, only to not be able to buy anything because of the constant gank interruptions we would inevitably be facing?
Geezuus wrote:1 - i dont give a sht.. hyjal is like AV bridge fight,two big grps of dudes and none wants to go forward/backwards,sometimes one person runs into the big grp,gets ganked,and thats it,winterspring wudnt be any different
Not really true the bigger the map the harder to find people to gank, or like Teddey said also just make Quel a contested territory so you can f*ck up some questing people..
Heaven towards left, Warriors turn right - Gforcecn
Darkgroom wrote:Point 6 on the list is wotlk if i am right, pets were not resummoned after you die back in tbc, correct me if i am wrong.
You're wrong.
1.5.0 patch notes wrote:Spirit Guides in Battlegrounds will now summon/resurrect your current pet when the Hunter is resurrected.
1.5.0 patch notes wrote:Spirit Guides in Battlegrounds will now resurrect your last Imp, Voidwalker, Succubus or Felhunter. If the Doomguard or Infernal were the last active pet or the previous pet was killed before the Warlock, an Imp will be summoned.
Darkgroom wrote:Point 6 on the list is wotlk if i am right, pets were not resummoned after you die back in tbc, correct me if i am wrong.
You're wrong.
1.5.0 patch notes wrote:Spirit Guides in Battlegrounds will now summon/resurrect your current pet when the Hunter is resurrected.
1.5.0 patch notes wrote:Spirit Guides in Battlegrounds will now resurrect your last Imp, Voidwalker, Succubus or Felhunter. If the Doomguard or Infernal were the last active pet or the previous pet was killed before the Warlock, an Imp will be summoned.
Tantrum wrote:I would really love to see some kind of old world open pvp going on here, but i don't think there is a need to "create" the pvp experience, just have a reason for people to go to old world zones and the pvp will form itself.
My idea is to have a limited supply and rare stuff vendor spawning somewhere in an old world zone. Here's how i see it.
this is actually already in game. except, the NPC itself is killable and has a certain spawn timer, I will not state the NPC's name or location seeing as it's kind of "secret" I will tell you though, it's a custom NPC and drops items from rare mounts to even rare items, badges of justice etc.
if some other player wants to say what it is, sure. but I like keeping it a secret from the entire 500+ population so they don't camp it's one spawn point