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Posts: 230

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

Post by Aegrotatio »

Peekaboo wrote:At least you're a druid, ye can run away from your own tears.

Complaining about 5$ for the whole set, poor peasant.
"You're a pro, or you're a noob, that's life" -Athene
Posts: 57

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

Post by Victort »

Peekaboo wrote:At least you're a druid, ye can run away from your own tears.

Complaining about 5$ for the whole set, poor peasant.
LoL.. Our donor friend Peekaboo again.
Are you getting a percentage from these donations? You seem to QQ on every single comment against donations on this forum.
You just linger like a bad smell...
Someone should open a window to let you out :D
Frostleaf - NE Druid
Coolwavy - Draenei Shaman
Felpaw - Tauren Druid
Wetwillie - Orc Shaman
Posts: 638

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

Post by Peekaboo »

It so makes sense to accuse me of crying.
But what am I expecting from someone poor and irish. Or maybe even a 12 year old whose mother didn't hand out the credit card, you choose.
Ye prolly don't even have the permission to use a mobile phone yet, as you never proposed to add that payment method.

And thanks for the compliment, apology accepted.
Tap Peekaboo: Upset target moron.
Posts: 57

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

Post by Victort »

And i'm not irish, you irish git.

Anyway i hope my comment helped you Taz408.. Don't expect this server to change anytime soon.
At least not as long as people like this Peekaboo kid play here.
Frostleaf - NE Druid
Coolwavy - Draenei Shaman
Felpaw - Tauren Druid
Wetwillie - Orc Shaman
Posts: 638

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

Post by Peekaboo »

Yeah, hope all you want, it's all people like you have.
Try hoping to make sense some day.
Tap Peekaboo: Upset target moron.
Posts: 785

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

Post by ZatYo »

Honestly I didn't read everything you wrote but,
First of all the arena requirements ARE NOT blizzlike, the s4 shoulder was 2,2k
Last season there was around 20 2k+ teams(at once) and r1 was 2150.
There was 2700 teams in s4 tbc.
S4 prices won't be lowered because that would lower the competition and lower the percent of ppl donating for it.
Posts: 41

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

Post by Sandero »

thats not bad atm.
remember the server needs donors so it can stay up. 5 $ isnt really much. Im surprised that theyve actually started to sell it for rating.
Posts: 230

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

Post by Aegrotatio »

Sandero wrote:thats not bad atm.
remember the server needs donors so it can stay up. 5 $ isnt really much. Im surprised that theyve actually started to sell it for rating.
Why? It's an unattainable rating.
"You're a pro, or you're a noob, that's life" -Athene
Posts: 41

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

Post by Sandero »

if u could reach it easier, would people still donate for s4?
Posts: 638

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

Post by Peekaboo »

They still would, although people won't play as long, this might have a negative impact on population.
Tap Peekaboo: Upset target moron.
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