Horde to Alliance Char Transfer

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Re: Horde to Alliance Char Transfer

Post by Peekaboo »

Doesn't really do the trick, you'd still have to edit faction standings, and probably quests aswell. Not to forget the base attributes, along with racials.
It's just a pain to deal with.
Tap Peekaboo: Upset target moron.
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Re: Horde to Alliance Char Transfer

Post by Henhouse »

Lovetrain wrote:Ofc it's possible.
In DB u can find the character (name) and there u should change the number..
what i mean it's ..for example:
(just a random example)
1 = human
2 = orc
3 = dwarf

You do not have to move HP , AP and all :) , just change the race "number".
with mysql or heydisql :) just open the database (db): Database.name -> Accounts -> Characters :D
when i had my own wow server i did that move :D so you can try.

Have a nice day :) .
And let me guess, that was a Wrath server where they already had all the programming for switching races in there? Because I've done that a long time ago and it does not work, the skins, spells, everything doesn't update. Especially wouldn't when TBC servers still have the datablob.
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Re: Horde to Alliance Char Transfer

Post by Drugz »

yep its possible, im not that skilled ebut i alrdy saw it on another oregoncore
also got pic´s of that if u waaaahnt
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Re: Horde to Alliance Char Transfer

Post by Henhouse »

Drugz wrote:yep its possible, im not that skilled ebut i alrdy saw it on another oregoncore
also got pic´s of that if u waaaahnt
Of course it's possible, you can do it in a SQL script. The problem with on TBC is that it's not like Wrath and it's very buggy so you have to do it a very weird and unstable way.

But it would not be a "feature" of OregonCore, core would have nothing to do with faction transfers. I was a main developer at OregonCore, well technically still am, but I digress--the Wrath faction-changes are the only real in-game faction changes you can ever do.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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