Name/Genderchange Vendor (TBC)

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Re: Name/Genderchange Vendor (TBC)

Post by Sailown234 »

how about...a barber? just for lulz.
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Re: Name/Genderchange Vendor (TBC)

Post by Neofin »

would be awesome too ;)
Posts: 35

Re: Name/Genderchange Vendor (TBC)

Post by Suchareq »

If you can do something like this. change race and sex

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Re: Name/Genderchange Vendor (TBC)

Post by Henhouse »

sailown234 wrote:how about...a barber? just for lulz.
This has very well been implemented.

As for a gender/name changing NPC I'm going to say no. Firstly, it's a feature we charge for because we do NOT want players to simply start renaming themselves when they want because it can throw GMs off and or make it difficult, very difficult to trace someone especially if they're hacking, etc. Also many people when changing gender have incorrect facial models, or no horns, etc which there is nothing we can do about without having to go in and fix which is NOT something I would waste my time doing so people can change gender. Name changes are only $1, and a free gender change is thrown in, if wanted. If your face gets screwed up there we will fix it.
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Re: Name/Genderchange Vendor (TBC)

Post by Suchareq »

Hengouse has right, When changing: Tauren male ---> female Tauren.
she do not have horns.

but with another race, i don't saw any bugs :P

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