Event suggestion - Death Race (Star wars like)

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Posts: 104

Event suggestion - Death Race (Star wars like)

Post by Sylferey »

You tought you'd have a quiet day on smolderino? NO

20 Players in the starting blocks of Tanaris, ready for their last race.

3 items to grab, 3 checkpoints to validate.
There will be 3 specific points on the map where you'll have to grab an item, item that you'll bring to the next checkpoint and give it to a npc ( if possible, if not, it could be a player dedicated to the validation of player's checkpoint) the fastest possible.
Players can kill each others, so the best could be to have spirit healers close to each checkpoints.

- Mount allowed
- Items allowed (even rocket boots)
- Free-for-all, no teaming
- No summons

(IF POSSIBLE, I wish that the dedicated GM morph players into something Star Wars-like, so that event make sense, idem for the possible NPCs, if they could have names/skins related to SW, that would be awesome)

Reward : Is there any pet looking like some creatures from star-wars? :D Or, idk if it's possible, but for the winner, a 1 day morph into something Star Wars-like, maybe some temporary title, like " Winner of the Pod Race "

Let me know if that could happen, even with major adjustments
Posts: 9

Re: Event suggestion - Death Race (Star wars like)

Post by pwii »

There already is a Race Event on Smolderforge, it's pretty awesome Keas used to host it all the time.

And as for your event, if you lose(like get stuck on a tree or something) like just a couple of seconds, you will 100% not win = people will complain until our forums looks like Internet Explorer without adblock.
Posts: 104

Re: Event suggestion - Death Race (Star wars like)

Post by Sylferey »

Hmmm, that event is not really about the race in fact, I saw it more about the roleplay side, with morph and shit.
It's true that I have to think of it more in details, it looks like what I wanted to suggest is not really clear xD (forgive me, lack of sleep)

To have a better idea of what I was thinking about, i'd say that I wouldn't personally be part of that event, cus it will be funnier to be spectator ( I Imagined ppl throwing fireworks and using items at each checkpoints, sort of remix of the pod race from SW 2)

I'll make a clearer suggestion, thanks for that feedback :)
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