Suggestion to the professions system and World-PvP

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Re: Suggestion to the professions system and World-PvP

Post by Bucovsky »

Hello Smolderforge!

I would like to suggest a tiny change to the professions system and World-PvP. Right now, every active player has easy access to materials, which enables an unlimited amount of boosts. Average players and newcomers have problem with that because not only do premades wreck them because of their organization, but also these premaders are nearly always supported by profession boosts. As much as I understand that not everybody does that, there are players who usually have their own rows of buffs from various non-class sources. Temporary stats improvements are fine, but they were designed to be used with caution because of economical reasons. In Smolderforge these reasons do not exist since the access to materials is free once one obtains exalted status with the Shattered Sun Offensive.

I am not saying that these consumables should be removed, no. Consumables may, in fact, become a source of motivation for players. My suggestion is to spawn a reasonable number of Outland resources in the Azshara Crater and Hyjal areas. Why? It is no secret that these areas are empty and boring right now. In the times of Sunwell Gear (inb4 PTSD) people would go to Azshara Crater to get Sunmotes from a daily quest. The area was quite active back then and the amount of action there was more than satisfying. The clash between Horde and Alliance was inevitable. There was a reason to go there - Sunmotes.

I also believe that there could be two quests with Legendary Fragments as rewards: one in Azshara Crater and one in Hyjal. Moreover, making Azshara Crater and Hyjal the only sources of materials for flasks and such would provide World-PvP activity. Just like in AB; fighting for the resources.

I do understand that not everybody enjoys PvP as such and consumables should be available to everyone. Since Isle of Quel'Danas is a non-combat zone, I would suggest spawning a limited amount of nodes there, too. However, I think it would be reasonable to spawn more materials in Azshara Crater and Hyjal. More danger - more materials.

I realize that there would be a necessity to learn herbalism and mining in order to gather mats. I am quite sure that an easy solution for this could be making these available to everyone, without profession level restrictions. I do not think anyone would like to sacrifice that fancy engineering for mining/herbalism.

Something else I would also like to point out to those who defend the current system:
-I do not think that it hurts anyone. It would affect both Alliance and Horde premades,
- yes, it does weaken premades a bit. Both premades. Not just Alliance/Horde,
- it weakens premades and I do not think that premades have problems with newcomers who do not have consumables to begin with,
- it is not taking consumables away, just making consumables require more effort than just afk-crafting in the Isle of Quel'Danas,
- I heard that you people would love some more action, let's do it?

-remove outland herbs and possibly some more mats like khorium (4k absorb shield etc) from sso npcs
-despawn outland nodes
-spawn outland nodes in hyjal and azshara crater (more) and isle of quel'danas (less)
-add legendary fragments as rewards from 1 daily in azshara crater and 1 daily in hyjal
-erase existing flasks from storage guildbanks
-remove flasks from the honor vendor
- profit
- less consumables abuse, motivation for world pvp, less idling at tanaris

Best regards
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Re: Suggestion to the professions system and World-PvP

Post by Comeherefour »

This is good. I support this message.
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Re: Suggestion to the professions system and World-PvP

Post by ptaqhihi »

This is good. I support this message.
So do I.
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Re: Suggestion to the professions system and World-PvP

Post by Baked_Lesbeans »

This sounds pretty cool imo
Though I'm a massive sucker for world pvp and I love the idea of less idling!
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Re: Suggestion to the professions system and World-PvP

Post by Twostepp »

I support this as well, it sounds like a good idea!
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Re: Suggestion to the professions system and World-PvP

Post by Xios »

Sounds like a good change !
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Re: Suggestion to the professions system and World-PvP

Post by Henhouse »

Sounds like a summer update can begin brewing...
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Re: Suggestion to the professions system and World-PvP

Post by Judger »

Sounds like a plan bruh, u calculated this shit, I'm in!
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Re: Suggestion to the professions system and World-PvP

Post by Pendulumm »

Let me expain you why this system is absolute shit:
1. “Rows of buffs”. None of TBC consumables, except maybe free/living action potions and absorb rune (which were already nerfed), give you unbearable advantage. In fact if you check those “2 rows of buffs guy” you’ll find that most of them are useless. It’s more like psychological effect (“that guy has so many buffs, he’s too op omg”). Moreover, as it was already said it is available for everyone. If people are lazy enough to get the Shattered Sun exalted, then they unlikely would farm reagents for consumables with new system.
2. Online. There are two reasons why world PvP isn’t active now. First one is online and second one is that current players are not interested in it. As far as I noticed since all those hyped kids gone from SF to FailTBC (and then to LFG) SF online has returned back to the previous values. That’s why it is currently impossible to maintain arena, BG and world PvP at the same time, with average online like 100-150. Four years ago people were going to old Hyjal not because of BoJ, but because of crazy HK farming and constant battles. Forcing players to farm materials for the small advantage consumables give unlikely would increase demand for world PvP.
3. Farm. The whole point of PvP instant servers is that you can forget about constant farming, leveling and other time-consuming activities. That allows you to dedicate more time for PvP, mastering your class and so on. Of course at some point of time you may get bored of it, and that’s why I always liked SF consumables system. At one point you have reagents and recipes vendors with most of stuff available, but at another point some recipes (like Arcane Bomb) need to be farmed. This type of farming is ok because you can do it when you get bored and get desirable recipes /reps once and forever. With that new consumables system you are forced to do it regularly, even when you don’t want to.
Thus, this new system would make effect for maximum 1-2 weeks. In this sense it reminds me SWP removal and relic/idol swap fix – absolutely no significant benefits, but creates inconvenience for players.
Posts: 27

Re: Suggestion to the professions system and World-PvP

Post by zaika »

Pendulumm wrote:Let me expain you why this system is absolute shit:
1. “Rows of buffs”. None of TBC consumables, except maybe free/living action potions and absorb rune (which were already nerfed), give you unbearable advantage. In fact if you check those “2 rows of buffs guy” you’ll find that most of them are useless. It’s more like psychological effect (“that guy has so many buffs, he’s too op omg”). Moreover, as it was already said it is available for everyone. If people are lazy enough to get the Shattered Sun exalted, then they unlikely would farm reagents for consumables with new system.
2. Online. There are two reasons why world PvP isn’t active now. First one is online and second one is that current players are not interested in it. As far as I noticed since all those hyped kids gone from SF to FailTBC (and then to LFG) SF online has returned back to the previous values. That’s why it is currently impossible to maintain arena, BG and world PvP at the same time, with average online like 100-150. Four years ago people were going to old Hyjal not because of BoJ, but because of crazy HK farming and constant battles. Forcing players to farm materials for the small advantage consumables give unlikely would increase demand for world PvP.
3. Farm. The whole point of PvP instant servers is that you can forget about constant farming, leveling and other time-consuming activities. That allows you to dedicate more time for PvP, mastering your class and so on. Of course at some point of time you may get bored of it, and that’s why I always liked SF consumables system. At one point you have reagents and recipes vendors with most of stuff available, but at another point some recipes (like Arcane Bomb) need to be farmed. This type of farming is ok because you can do it when you get bored and get desirable recipes /reps once and forever. With that new consumables system you are forced to do it regularly, even when you don’t want to.
Thus, this new system would make effect for maximum 1-2 weeks. In this sense it reminds me SWP removal and relic/idol swap fix – absolutely no significant benefits, but creates inconvenience for players.
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