Server future [Critism and Suggestions]

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Re: Server future [Critism and Suggestions]

Post by Voodoomaniac »

1. I also agree that the cost is really low. However donations are needed to keep the server up. It also brings up another huge crux, the fact that only certain classes and players will be able to get S4.
Arena in TBC is the worst in my humble opinion. 2v2 is tied to much to class and spec that it is just sad, not to mention the need for a partner and the 1% miss RNG which decides games.
If you want to remove S4 gear from donation, you probably need to lower the rating requirements to like 1,7k for the gear. Otherwise you will only see rogues, resto druids, shamans etc, running around.
3v3 can be done but it is difficult to get a proper team and also the population is not that high atm.
Let alone there are players who dislike arena and who aren't really good at it but who might rock in BGs/1v1, shall they be punished aswell?
All in all I think a price change might be the best, but then what will you do with will you do with those players who already donated for s4?

2. As for the BG part, yes something needs to be done. A CF implementation is a good idea but you also need to place a healer/class cap. BGs becomes extremely boring and difficult PuG vs PuG wise when one side runs around with 3+ druids.

3. We all contribute to it because we all think we are the best and our egos are so strong we deny everything that contradicts it. But yea, one can at least keep the world chats clear from spite.

4. Got nothing to say here, I rarely vote cause I forget to.

5. Dunno about this, PvE requires a lot of scripting and while I am not against the return of sunwell gear, I think there are a few who are. Besides, I take it Glaives will come then?

6. Like da dwarf said, no point when we be so few.
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