leme break it down for ya

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leme break it down for ya

Post by jakuro »

hey some of this shit you may already have or already be doing im just gonna blurt it out, i dont rly use forums so i mean if you try to argue its on you lol im not checking it

1. hire a sub-admin
-should be either an IRL friend or a trusted GM . your best GM
-subadmin should be in charge of hiring gms, devs, and mods that are trustworthy and keeping tabs on them 24/7 check logs on them etc so you know who to trust and who to fire.
-subadmin is also in charge of GM ranks and training
-subadmin has to be someone with a lot of time to deal with player/gm drama and show up quickly to handle server issues
-subadmin can restart the server

2. GM ranks, veteran GMs should have all the ingame power of the subadmin but should of course have to go through him, subadmin should be accessible 24/7 via chat or phone to handle hiccups
-veteran GMs should also be able to handle transfers etc with a SCREENSHOT (make ticket and send online gm a private message on forum) of the receipt you get in email. if it doesnt go through or if its edited or something (which will be rare and hard to fake) you just ban them via ip, account, and char names when you find out, no harm done.
-GMs should be blessed with every command except restarting the server
-Set limits on what they are allowed to do and check logs for errors and unfair use on a 3 strike system
-disallow spawning and creating vendors cuz thats laggy if its not implemented through the devs end, allow it when appropriate for events, no gm should have many blocked off abilities because they should know not to abuse power.
-lower rank / starter gms should be able to progress quickly with proven hard work based on an hour logging system, gms that spend more time online during peak hours should be rewarded and ranked up, so any gm thats never on or only gets online to chat it would be apparent based on the logs.
-ticket marking system for when multiple gms are online, shows whos working on what when you do .ticketlist

3. css online management system. gms and devs should be able to access player information from the website. such as seeing all accounts and characters linked to an IP/account. donors will of course be marked and their purchases noted in a table format so a GM can just go look at their confirmed receipts, or see that you have indeed confirmed it and be able to give us our donation rewards promptly, especially if it were to submit to this log system when you submitted a donation, which i think id done through a widget
- this system also includes being able to add/remove things they donated for if necessary via the website
- so basically you need a css coder that handles the web manager and can also dev for the server

3. devs/gms with power are scary and i understand the dangers that could be if a dev goes haywire, but once again, you need a Dev manager, whom has time to interact with devs and keep them happy with evenly distributed work and clear assignments so you dont have that worry on you, its on your trusted underlings
if admin is unable to be active other than confirming orders, he must provide power to the staff
quick and helpful gms is a fast track to population, because nobody has to wait around for the AFK admin to do anything. nothing against admins of course i mean we understand how much time you've put in and it will for sure be exhausting especially after years of running a server of ungrateful idiots
so TRUST is a big deal.

5. increase green drop rate so we have something to fucking do. this way, more people will be online doing SOMETHING instead of offline with nothing to do making us look smaller than we are - we're here, we just have nothing to obsess over when we dont feel like pvping. nobody wants to go out to farm a green and come back with nothing after a few hours. leave blues/epics the same, leave those hard to get. make greens fun and accessible, but not so many that its ridiculous ofc
dont make an xmog armor vendor other than what youve already provided, just the weapons is great for arena points/ bg marks+honor
feel free to make it like 100 eots marks for something its fine

6. i have nothing to spend my eots marks/honor on i have everything so that may be a tip as to what currencies to apply to new stuff


things youve done well:
instant gear-er thingy is awesome love it, makes it so you can pop over to either side pretty fast if Q is uneven, it beats making the game depressing with xfaction bgs. we still need more alliance so i mean if it gets worse or doesnt get better maybe we should offer a small reward for alliance somehow, like double bg marks for a week so they get their xmogs and forget they were horde

the gms here are really great and deserve more power because let me tell you, i play nearly everywhere... and smolderforge has been the most like the best since these 2 gms started getting on every day. they really show for the spirit of the server and they don't treat me like shit even when i'm out of line or say racist things to them

i love that you have no chat restrictions other than bashing, its really annoying to have a GM message you and be like no cursing lol, ive quit servers for being muted over nothing, too many rules is really stupid and is restricting to the player and doesnt attract good players only babbies. there is a chat filter for a reason thank you for being the ONLY game that understands that

5 dollar / 10 dollar donations is the fucking bomb pls dont change it, its accessible and i feel trapped when im not playing on smolderforge because i have like so many donors here and it obligates me to play witch is fantastic, i keep coming back always, you guys have always got me back here over something and thats rare af and i know

ok i cant think of anything else

love you smolderforge
Posts: 926

Re: leme break it down for ya

Post by Wacco »

I don't know what you think you are doing, but I don't like it.
There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
Posts: 776

Re: leme break it down for ya

Post by Hartun »

Wacco wrote:I don't know what you think you are doing, but I don't like it.
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