Got a suggestion to help improve the server? Let us know here!
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Posts: 15


Post by Rieetion »

Hi there everyone, you know i was thinking of this for a long time and i couldnt help but tell everyone about why dnt the wotlk servers get released by the end of next month? so we can start palying the game. Tbh the only reason people left the server and made it empty, for a start is because of the paladins they were just too OP if you know what i mean everyone started rolling paladin and becomming 3 shot champs tbh i would love it if you made the starter gear tier 7 and the donor gear rele honor gear is furious just make the game back to its classicness and remove all the end game trinkets since they are too OP just balance stuff out im not saying that the server suckes im just suggesting it since i think it would be great iv already made my own pserver and it seems a great idea. Balanced dmg and everything :P i hope i have helped :)
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Post by Deems »

Rieetion wrote: Balanced dmg and everything :P
Let me say this again for the 100th time.

YOU CAN NOT ACHIEVE "BALANCE" BY REMOVING / DISABLING GEAR ON WRATH. It doesn't matter if you're in relentless with i213 trinkets, or Wrathful with ICC trinkets it will be equally retarded.
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Post by Rieetion »

Ey, mang before you reply trying thinking wotlk isnt balanced? ofc the last patch ruined everything but i personaly think its because of trinkets and the retarded dmg so by lowering dmg i personaly think it will become more even and more enjoyable i would rather 15 shot some1 rather than 3 shot okay?
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Post by Spiritsex »

Great Idea :D
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Location: Wonderland


Post by Deems »

Listen. Wrath PvP was always very bursty (the first seasons were even worse than s8), and theres absolutely nothing you can really do to make it "less bursty". Remove trinkets? Nope, still bursty. Limit gear? Nope, still bursty (and not any more balanced to be honest).

So what do you suggest? Flat out reduce damage of some classes? Nope. Altering existing classes is even worse than adding custom items.

Go try dueling someone when both of you are in furious (or deadly, relentless, whatever you like) gear with no PvE trinkets. Yes, your damage appears to be lower (e.g. 5.5k frostbolt instead of 8k) but so is the target's HP and resilience, so in the end the outcome is same - the game is still bursty as fuck.
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Post by Exsurgo »

S8 gear and no TOC/ICC trinkets or offset gear would actually be better balanced imo. Stuff like bauble, Solace of the fallen and DBW is just overpowered. It would also tone down the op-ness of the human racial.
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Post by Imperium »

Exsurgo wrote:S8 gear and no TOC/ICC trinkets or offset gear would actually be better balanced imo. Stuff like bauble, Solace of the fallen and DBW is just overpowered. It would also tone down the op-ness of the human racial.
how, exactly? think about what Deems said. Removing or restricting some gear does not reduce burst. Wotlk pvp is built upon burst.
every single class can burst.
some classes just scale better with gear.
Posts: 2551


Post by Cube »

However you want to see it, this would harm the server. People expect end-game gear to be available on wrath servers these days, and would be pissed if it wasn't. I would like to throw every ICC trinket out the window, but most people playing wrath wouldn't.

Last time we limited end-game gear somewhat, and people got pissed.
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Post by Henhouse »

Cube wrote:However you want to see it, this would harm the server. People expect end-game gear to be available on wrath servers these days, and would be pissed if it wasn't. I would like to throw every ICC trinket out the window, but most people playing wrath wouldn't.

Last time we limited end-game gear somewhat, and people got pissed.
This is very true. While the idea of "start with earlier gear" seems nice in theory, the fact is exactly what Deems said -- it wouldn't work. People expect and want in-game gear. If it's not available, it's frowned upon and people will go somewhere else where it is. The game was very burst-oriented. Some patches maybe more than others, but the fact of the matter is it is the way Blizzard left it, so it should be played that way. Providing own class/server balance by actually changing the core of the game is, once again as Deems said, worse than custom items. While my heart is very much set on TBC, it's no denying that game was quite unbalanced. Warriors, Druids and Rogues dominate in that version, but trying to change that would not make sense. People play 2.4.3 to experience that feeling again -- creating own balance would ruin that, and nullify the reason they wanted to play.

I do really appreciate your interest in Wrath and taking the time to post suggestions. We are still rethinking a lot of things with our last opening, and what we can do better when we decide to bring it back. Currently we're not in a position to discuss any details on that though.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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