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Wiping everyones T1-T4 just to appease people who want T2.5 is silly. It's an ugly set and people only want it because it's not currently available. There's been more changes to the server in the last 12 months than there has been since I've been playing here and I think things are fine as they are right now, you can already get plenty of level 60 items and you can quite easily obtain some very awesome looking weapons from the instances that are already available.
@Akeno you say "make people earn it", people have been "earning" a lot of things lately, if we're donating $8 to transmogrify our items making us farm for level 60 items too would be unfair. We already have to farm for our SWP gear.
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
Akeno wrote:I just want people to do raids again and outland quests too.
I agree with you there. I just think that the sets should be kept as free since we already have to spend badges on SWP gear. You can still do raids/instances in order to farm the weapons and other cool looking items that are available. Even if you just do TBC instances there are many great looking items, for instance for a Rogue there's those two mutant squid fist weapons that would look cool on a set, or there's the lightsabers, or there's the timeslicer from CoT that looks sweet... I still think there's plenty of PvE to do and there's a lot of people who have been more active doing PvE in order to obtain cool looking items.
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
Exsurgo wrote:Getting more people BGing or voting can never be a bad thing. I think that these 'premium' transmorg items do need to have a high cost so that only the semi-dedicated players are running around in them.
Bump this idea. Custom vendors with higher prices would be nice, weapon fragments could be used as a currency :D
Dntryme wrote:Henhouse should make a new area for vanilla content where you can buy T1-3 for BoJs.
Then he should implement vendors for each instance/raid back in vanilla (ZG, MC, BWL, ..) with every weapon which you can buy for BoJs.
Why vendors? Why bojs? Why not actually fixing the instances so that ppl can ENJOY the vanilla content.
Pretty much. Though he implied it was just a matter of there being such a gap in the support. I think he said that ended back in '08. So, they'd have to script all the quests and instances that are currently borked.
In that respect, you're spot on. It won't happen, just like Cross faction BGs.