We are just suggesting to fix this to improve our gameplay & motivation.
Lets start.!
Aka 2.4.3

< He Actually do | He must to do>
- He dissapears in 15 seconds. | He Should stay under the command of the caster.<--(Most needed fix)
- He doesnt stun. | He should stun all enemy targets in the area for 2 sec.<-- (Very useful and needed CC)
- He dont inflict any Dmg when you finished to summon him. |He should do 200 fire dmg with the stun<--( Useful)
The spam of this spell at Mall/Battlemaster's can be fixed if you disable the use of this spell in sanctuaries.
Felguard: (<3)
-Actually his defenses are weak.(+20% defense could fix it.)
-His dmg is weak too.(+15% dmg could fix it.)
-Demonic Resilence on talents aint working...
And also... http://www.wowhead.com/item=30449/void-star-talisman
This trinket doesnt work... And it's VERY useful.
We need all of those things to be fixed :).
Wacco continues the topic :P...