WOTLK needs improvement... SERIOUSLY

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WOTLK needs improvement... SERIOUSLY

Post by Velkyn »

Hello dear all gm's

I want to address the issue of the lack of players in wotlk and this idea might/might not be helpful but something needs to be done, or just remove wotlk completely it's a waste of resources.

Donating system could use some change. What I mean by that is; I understand the donation in WOTLK is like twice/thrice more than BC's. So maybe allowing the accounts who has already donated in BC accounts to create(how ever many times they donated they can create that many) characters which has full access to 251 pve and 1 lever higher pvp than the starter pvp gear.

I don't know, maybe this is stupid but I think it will attract more players which the wotlk server desperately needs. We can't even do heroics most of the time let alone bg'ing...

Some sort of donation transfer would help the issue at hand I think. If you dont want to try anything to attract people because everything needs to be payed for then just remove wotlk because you are wasting your resources(I dont know how the servers work but I assume it does waste some resources).

Please take this into consideration because the number of online people are decreasing more and more everyday.

Kind regards,
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Re: WOTLK needs improvement... SERIOUSLY

Post by Cube »

Good idea.
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Re: WOTLK needs improvement... SERIOUSLY

Post by Paulheyman »

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Re: WOTLK needs improvement... SERIOUSLY

Post by Euthanized »

I agree dude. It would also help if there were active GMs on the server, and if some of the bugs were looked at and addressed.
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Re: WOTLK needs improvement... SERIOUSLY

Post by Firstaidkit »

Euthanized wrote:I agree dude. It would also help if there were active GMs on the server, and if some of the bugs were looked at and addressed.
It would also help if we had a active developer but unfortunately we do not...
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Re: WOTLK needs improvement... SERIOUSLY

Post by Overdozze »

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Re: WOTLK needs improvement... SERIOUSLY

Post by Cube »

Sup useless beta-tester.
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Re: WOTLK needs improvement... SERIOUSLY

Post by Firstaidkit »

Cube wrote:Sup useless beta-tester.
Like they fix anything here? I gave up reporting bugs a long time ago since Henry ignores most of them since he's unable to fix them. Don't want to sound harsh but he always has an excuse or reason ready why something is not possible or why it's unobtainable here.
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Re: WOTLK needs improvement... SERIOUSLY

Post by Cube »

And still, the beta-testers had a chance to make an impact on the servers development. Most of them chose not to.

Now we have people that weren't involved in the beta, who're actually bringing good suggestions to the table.
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Re: WOTLK needs improvement... SERIOUSLY

Post by Firstaidkit »

Cube wrote:And still, the beta-testers had a chance to make an impact on the servers development. Most of them chose not to.
Cuz no devs.. Also I huuuuuurd the beta-testers did proper testing on Lich King j/k 20 stacks Tenacity oneshot in Phase 1.
Cube wrote:Now we have people that weren't involved in the beta, who're actually bringing good suggestions to the table.
They should have signed up for the beta also what's the difference between now and then. Back in the beta we had no dev and now we still have no dev. So kinda time wasting to make an extensive post about it since it will probably NEVER get fixed unless we get an proper developer which I doubt since nobody can handle such a job alone on a server with a population like this.

Because simply everyone wants their own class bugs to get fixed first and they will all complain and whine to the first developer that gets recruited then he just doesn't know where to start and just gives up on the server since it's free to play anyways and Henry will probably not pay him for making fixes.
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