Server Ultimatum Suggestion.

Got a suggestion to help improve the server? Let us know here!
Posts: 1178

Re: Server Ultimatum Suggestion.

Post by Xaru »

Rawrza wrote:
Xaru wrote:But I know it won't happen.
I could make it happen. The boss would have to be scripted by someone else, but this is the sort of thing I love to do. I think it would suck pretty hard if it was donors only though, so I'd figure something out.
Aww yeah. I knew that idea was awesome. Do it!
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
Posts: 29

Re: Server Ultimatum Suggestion.

Post by Rawrza »

Xaru wrote:Aww yeah. I knew that idea was awesome. Do it!
I'd script it myself, but MaNGOS/Trinity is too hipster for Lua in their core.
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