Abwyz wrote:
Hand of the Deceiver is as well DPS versus resilence, so why it is wrong to compare it? Also, how it was on retail? Even through rogues had this weapon or even glaives they were losing to warrior/druid combo, so why not add it? I just don't understand, this weapon isn't any OP and people who thinks so are just retards who lose due to lack of skill.
Because you apparently don't understand damage mechanics. Remove Apolyon, and Warriors hit you for the same damage, it doesn't matter in PvP, PvE is a different story though, as Apolyon is the better choice then. With Deceiver Rogues just deal more damage...
Enlighten me how people are retarded though, when they do fine without it already.
Cool story for telling me that on retail Rogues lost to Warrior/Druid combo. Onyxia deep breaths more now, kite her in Vael's room.
PS.: Report those guys with KJ weapons (not buyable in the mall), that's fishy. Everything except shoulders/weapons is fine though, as it used to drop in ZA some months ago, and it didn't get removed.
Tap Peekaboo: Upset target moron.