Got a suggestion to help improve the server? Let us know here!
Posts: 6


Post by Taz408 »

Heya guys, firstly - thank you for the largely fantastic server, it is without doubt the best private server i've ever played on, and I don't think there's enough appreciation for how good it really is :)

Now onto my suggestion:

I have started another warrior with the idea of gearing him up the proper way, bit of bg's and some arena games... thus we come to the crux of the problem... Vengful isn't actually available for any amount of arena points (which I really think it should be, but i'll get to that in a second). So I figured i'd have to go for brutal; But the S4 gear is available, conforming to the same rating requirements as the retail server. The reason for me suggesting this be changed, is that the rating requirements of the retail servers, are based on the population of retail servers, and number of arena teams etc. Due to the small population here compared to live servers, the very highest teams you ever get are about 2050. With most of the top teams at about 1900. Unlike retail where the very best were 2.2k, with mid range players coming in at 1900 - 2.1k :)

In short my suggestion is, could you implement a change in costs so that vengful gear is available without rating requirements (or very low, like maybe 1650 for shoulders) And the brutal gear pieces have all their rating requirements lowered by about 150 - 200 pts per piece, to refelct the difference in rating distribution on this server, compared to the retail servers, where the ratings were designed to work.

It's also probably worth noting that due the the frequency of points distribution here (although I doubt very many teams at all play 10 games every 2 days without fail), the actual cost of items on Smolderforge MAY need to be raised per item - so as to keep the reward for gaining the gear. I don't think I'm being silly, it just makes sense to me this way. (+ I dont have that much time to do bg's and farm 15k per piece of vengful, so arena pts every few days would be alot better for me, and I very much enjoy the feeling of watching your character get better over time and games played.
Last edited by Taz408 on 04 Aug 2011, 07:12, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 6

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

Post by Taz408 »

Sorry just forgot to add:

My reason for this is that In s2 I'm currently at 1800 rating, and maybe can get a little higher - but getting to 1950 rating, would put me at nearly rank 1 on the server currently, before I can even spend points on bits of Brutal, which isn't the way the requirements were designed to work originally. But 1750 for the legs for example, would make sense, it's taken some good play to get to 1750 and above, and that does put me at the upper quartile of the teams I see, and being able to get the legs/boots/gloves, to then work on another 50-100 rating for the chest/belt/rings etc. Does seem more realistic - given the fact that average arena rating (and thus what qualifies as low and high) DOES depend on the number of arena teams, generally anyway.

At least if you don't fancy moving the S4 requirements (the lord works in mysterious ways), making the vengeful available for arena points, but with lower requirements - would make it exciting and profitable for people in S2 to do arena's, AND BG's. And if I'm being frank - I'm and arena(er) at heart, ;) I don't think it tickles my fancy to do that many bg's required for a full set of vengeful (which would then make the rating required for brutal currently, a little bit more realistic) :)
Posts: 371

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

Post by Pallyofhell »

there was a time that s3 was for rating and s4 was only for donors but they changed that awhile ago so now s4 is for rating and s3 is for honor.
Posts: 6

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

Post by Taz408 »

Understood - no I wasn't around then. Still though, my point stands imo. My proposal in my eyes (OBVIOUSLY) seems like a less monotonous system. Don't you think? Diversity in methods of gathering arena gear, and the ladder up which you travel to attain the S4 gear, seems like a better idea - and forgive me; but you've entirely missed the point of what im saying - Yes it is for honor. Shouldn't it also be available for arena pts. The other posts explain why :)
Posts: 230

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

Post by Aegrotatio »

Taz, I think you should start with S1 and S2 is for honor, and S3 is for rating, then S4 could be mega rating. Honestly, you know there's no fun starting at the top? Starting at 70 is great, but what if we all started in S4 and SWP gear? Then there's nothing to do, nothing to work for.
"You're a pro, or you're a noob, that's life" -Athene
Posts: 6

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

Post by Taz408 »

Who said anything about starting at the top? Have you actually read what I've written mate?
Posts: 230

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

Post by Aegrotatio »

Taz408 wrote:Who said anything about starting at the top? Have you actually read what I've written mate?
If you can get S4 in a week, that's starting at the top.
"You're a pro, or you're a noob, that's life" -Athene
Posts: 6

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

Post by Taz408 »

But if you change the costs, it will take longer (obviously) what im talking about is S3 for arena points.... thats the MAIN POINT of this thread. Please contribute something of value in future.
Posts: 57

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

Post by Victort »

You can get S3 for honor.. No problem there.
S4 is another story I'm afraid. The server owner is well aware that it's set on unreachable price
(or rating requirement if you will).
But he's not changing that because he wants to grind money from S4 donations.
Many people before you (including yours truly) have tried to appeal to his common sense but every time
he uses some excuse like "We are afraid of wintraders that would start wintrading for S4" (lol) or just says that he will "consider it" never to be heard from again.
I hardly play these days so i don't rly care anymore. But if you want to get S4 you will have to either donate or find some server that does things the normal way. I believe there are still some to choose from.
Frostleaf - NE Druid
Coolwavy - Draenei Shaman
Felpaw - Tauren Druid
Wetwillie - Orc Shaman
Posts: 638

Re: S3/4 gear ARENA POINTS.

Post by Peekaboo »

At least you're a druid, ye can run away from your own tears.

Complaining about 5$ for the whole set, poor peasant.
Tap Peekaboo: Upset target moron.
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