Dear henhous another question about Deathfrost

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Dear henhous another question about Deathfrost

Post by Harrydotter »

To begin with , I do not know if this is the right category to put the subject (your free to change it).

In my opinion it is unfair that some may have deathfrost but not others.

I have heard that you do not want those who have the recipe to enchant it to anyone (correct me if I'm wrong)
maybe you should either remove the recipe or make it available to all and maybe add something else that not everyone can have. something that not makes a difference in the arena.

excuse me if I seem whiny.

MVH Harrydotter.
Posts: 22

Re: Dear henhous another question about Deathfrost

Post by Smashedd »


See no reason why this shouldn't be added to the vendor, or removed from weapons it has already been enchanted to. The only people who object to this would of course be people with the enchant themselves.
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Re: Dear henhous another question about Deathfrost

Post by Henhouse »

It was on a list of things to do. I've removed the spell from people who had it in Enchanting, the harder part is actually removing it from people's items. The only real way to go about doing this without screwing something on the item up is having the player in-game re-enchant it. I only know a few people actively using it too, so it wouldn't be easy to find everyone.
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Re: Dear henhous another question about Deathfrost

Post by Harrydotter »

Why delete it , why not let everyone have it?
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