Black Tempel???

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Posts: 27

Black Tempel???

Post by nicklamot »

I see alot of ppl spamming SC cause some ppl love PVE but if they get bored from it they leave the server Mostly The server Gains ppl But Lose ppl to.

What IF you Script Black Tempel?
Make it even HARDER so even TOP geared donor chars with full sunwel Have Problems to?
Like just let bosses do 5% more dmg like they do on Retail? 5% is alot for t6 Already So sunwel Will be Hard to Wich Gives ppl a big Challenge and Many PVE guilds will spam it NO more Pugs Wich even Wipe on SC pretty embarrising lol but ok BT can't be cleared in 1day if it's as hard like that + make it reset every 3days so ppl can't farm it 1's they know tactics and farm it Normally (Little bit Wipes Maybe) But still
You find Genesis 1 of the best pve guilds? Let them Accept This Challenge Script BT let Bosses Drop Sunwell Gear? If it's Hard You can even Let Illidan Drop the Legendery Bow NOT warglaives i aint asking for it But This Is the Best Way to Obtain MORE ppl Cause Perfect Scripted BT??? it's DAMN hard on private servers if even ppl wipe on SC how will be BLACK TEMPEL!!

First Guild Who Clear's Black Tempel Get Special title? You can Remove From donor Champion of the Naruu Cause never seen a donor even use that title LOL . ps i know you dont have alot of time Scripting Black Tempel is and stays VERY hard but Think about how many ppl will join if BT drops Sunwel gear + is so hard YOU CAN'T clear it from the first run?Raiders will have there First Challenge You think there are alot of ppl Who like pvp ? there are more ppl on this server That love's pve more! Scripted Black Tempel Been Retails Best instance in my eyes and will stay it to!!
Posts: 2058

Re: Black Tempel???

Post by Imperium »

BT is scripted bro.

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